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College of Liberal Arts Professional Travel Funds Procedures and Policies

AY24/25 Travel

For anticipated funding requests for travel that would occur in the 24/25 academic year (e.g., after July 1, 2024).


In order to be eligible for CLA Professional Travel Funding, faculty must complete the appropriate travel projection request (see links below) that helps in the planned assessment and distribution of available funds from the college. Requests may be submitted by any tenured/tenure-track or lecturer faculty. Once submitted, faculty will receive an email with next step instructions and may move directly to initiate a Concur Travel Request. Please be aware, the Concur Travel Request is required for all Cal Poly Faculty and Staff prior to any travel or travel purchases. 

AY2024/25 CLA Travel Professional Travel Funding Projection Request

AY24/25 - For planning purposes, all projection requests for any anticipated travel via CLA Professional Travel Funds for the entire fiscal year (June 14, 2024 through June 13, 2025) should be submitted no later than Friday, October 25, 2024. Any travel that would be completed after June 15, 2024, should be submitted for and processed in the next fiscal year.


In-Person Travel [≤$1,500]

Up to $1,500 in total funding for full-time faculty to participate in one (1) authorized trip (e.g., exhibits, plays, recitals, conference and/or workshop presentations, research). Requested travel funding REQUIRES direct participation (e.g., a refereed art exhibit; participate in planned/organized research essential to your field/scholarship; to present a play, a musical, or a dance recital; to present a paper; chair a session; provide substantive comments on a session; participate in a roundtable; make a poster presentation; play some other official role at a meeting of a national, international, regional, state-recognized professional association. Funding is NOT available for merely attending a conference, exhibit, play, recital.

Please note: travel funds cannot be used for membership fees for professional organizations, even if those fees also cover conference attendance.

Lecturer, FERP, and PRTB faculty are eligible for both funding options at a percentage of their annual time base for AY23/24. Additionally, departments may augment faculty travel from discretionary funds only and are encouraged to develop and apply their own policies for this additional support, consistent with college and university policies.




STEP #1 • BEFORE YOU PURCHASE ANYTHING — Travelers need to initiate Concur Travel Request before any purchases (e.g., airfare, lodging). We recommend 30 days prior to anticipated travel (60 days for international & 90 days for high-hazard travel).

NOTE: ALL travel related to Cal Poly business, no matter the funding source, MUST go through the Concur request process. This includes individual and group travel. Failure to do so will result in faculty responsibility to pay for any incurred expenses and the denial of any personal reimbursements. More information can be found at

STEP #2 • AFTER CONCUR APPROVAL — After request approval, travelers may proceed with travel purchases (either through their Concur Travel Card or with their personal card).

STEP #3 • AFTER COMPLETING YOUR TRAVEL — After travel is complete, the traveler is responsible for submitting their expense report not more than 30 days after the expenses were paid or incurred, even if no reimbursement is due to traveler. More information can be found at



As of July 1, 2021, the process for all domestic and foreign travel for Cal Poly will officially switch to Poly Travel and the Concur Travel Card. 

Poly Travel is a managed travel program powered by Concur. It provides faculty and staff an easy way to efficiently arrange travel as well as complete and approve expense reports whether on the road or on campus. This program not only allows travelers to receive assistance while on the road but also simplifies the reimbursement process by reducing reconciliation burdens and improper payments with centrally billed procurement and travel cards. Poly Travel is made up of 4 major components:

  1. The Concur Tool, an efficient web and mobile tool managing travel and expenses anytime and anywhere.
  2. A Concur Travel Card which conveniently pays travel vendors directly and feeds charges right into the expense tool for ease of expensing travel charges. Please note: the Concur Travel Card is the required method of payment for travel expenses.
  3. Christopherson’s Business Travel, a new travel management company supporting both individual and group travel through Concur and/or phone.
  4. Updated Travel Policy guiding travelers and their managers through the process and compliance.

The Concur Travel Request is required for all Cal Poly Staff and Faculty travel. The Travel Pre-Authorization Form (1A form) cannot be used. Overview training for staff and faculty is REQUIRED prior to receiving a Concur Travel Card and is a prerequisite to any further Poly Travel and Concur trainings. Overview training includes an overview of Concur, credit card training, travel management company information, and video training of setting your Profile Settings in Concur.



Faculty and staff international travel conducted as Cal Poly business must go through Concur, meeting the minimum requirement of sixty (60) days prior to departure for standard international travel, and needs to follow the required steps:


Step 1: The traveler will first need to complete the required forms for individual international travel:

  1. FTIP – Foreign Travel Insurance
  2. Release of Liability
  3. FORM Export Compliance

Step 2: The traveler will begin their Concur travel Request and attach the pdf forms (FTIP and Export Compliance) by clicking the “Attachment” tab. 

Step 3: The traveler will complete the remainder of the international travel request in Concur and hit submit to begin the approval process. 

Please review the Guides and Video tutorials or contact if you have questions pertaining to the Concur Travel Request process.

Please note: there is no need to complete an international travel request or purchase Cal Poly foreign travel insurance for U.S. Territories such as Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands or American Samoa. 

Individual Travel Request Deadlines: Sixty (60) days in advance for ALL international travel. 

Please visit the Department of State website for country information on each of your destinations. Your travel request will need to include thorough safety and security measures that you will take while abroad. In addition, review the High Hazardous Countries List to find out if your destination is deemed high hazardous. Foreign travel insurance rates may be higher for high hazardous countries. It is recommended that travelers submit requests early to allow additional time for internal deadlines. This process requires some information gathering on your part—we encourage you to start early! 



Expenses related to international travel should not be incurred until you have completed the international travel request and received confirmation from Concur that your travel request has been approved.   



  1. Concur Travel Request
  2. Book Travel
  3. Expense Reports and Reimbursements (Domestic & International)
  4. CSU Travel Policy
  5. Cancelled Travel


CLA Dean’s Office Contacts

Josh Machamer, Associate Dean for Operations • 805-756-5732

CLA Professional Travel Funds
Melissa Bodin, Evaluations Process Analyst • 805-756-2337

All other travel (e.g., unfunded and other Cal Poly professional travel, students, speakers, candidates, relocation): 
Joy Sisler, Finance and Budget Analyst • 805-756-5755

Concur travel process  
Stephanie Albright, Poly Travel/Strategic Business Services • 805-756-1717


Previous Years' Policies (for reference only)

CLA Travel Policy (2021-22)


In anticipation of travel restrictions easing up for the coming 2021/2022 academic year, the college has set aside pre-2020/2021 funding for professional travel support at $1,500 and $500.


In order to utilize the CLA Professional Travel Funds, you must first complete and submit the CLA Travel Pre-Authorization Form: AY2021/22 CLA Travel Pre-Authorization for Professional Travel Funds.

Requests for these funds may be submitted by any tenured/tenure-track/lecturer* faculty. You will receive an email approving/declining the request or a request for further information. If approved, you will then move to initiate the process in Concur. For planning purposes, all requests for any anticipated travel via CLA Professional Travel Funds for the entire fiscal year (June 15, 2021 through June 15, 2022) should be submitted no later than Friday, October 29, 2021.

Any travel that would be completed after June 15, 2022, should be submitted for and processed in the next fiscal year. Available Funding Options*

Option 1 – In-Person Travel [≤$1,500]

Up to $1,500 in total funding for full-time faculty to participate in one (1) authorized trip (e.g., exhibits, plays, recitals, conference, workshop presentations and/or archival research). Requested travel funding REQUIRES direct participation (e.g., a refereed art exhibit; to present a play, a musical, or a dance recital; to present a paper; chair a session; provide substantive comments on a session; participate in a roundtable; make a poster presentation; play some other official role at a meeting of a national, international, regional, state-recognized professional association; and/or archival research used to enhance the professional objectives related to your current assignment at Cal Poly). Funding is NOT available for merely attending an exhibit, play, recital.

Option 2 – Virtual Conference(s) [≤$500]

Up to $500 in total funding for full-time faculty for attending or presenting at up to three (3) virtual conferences. The funds are designated as travel funds and can be used for registration and other approved conference-related fees.

Please note: for both options, travel funds cannot be used for membership fees for professional organizations, even if those fees also cover conference attendance.

Lecturer, FERP, and PRTB faculty are eligible for both funding options at a percentage of their annual time base for AY21/22. Additionally, departments may augment faculty travel from discretionary funds only and are encouraged to develop and apply their own policies for this additional support, consistent with college and university policies. *Faculty may choose only one (1) of the presented options; options may not be combined together


CLA Travel Policy (2020-21 - Virtual Conferences for reference only)


  • The college has set aside $75,000 for professional travel support to attend or present at virtual conferences in 2020-21. Requests for travel are to be submitted for planning purposes in the fall (by Monday, November 16) for the entire fiscal year (JUNE 15, 2020 through JUNE 15, 2021), and shall be part of the department’s travel projections for the year. Typically, travel that will be completed after JUNE 15, 2021, will be submitted for and processed in the next fiscal year. Requests for CLA-funded travel may be submitted for any tenured/tenure-track/lecturer faculty. Departments may augment faculty travel from discretionary funds only. Departments are allowed to develop and apply their own policies for this additional support, consistent with college and university policies.
  • Due to COVID-related travel restrictions (see, up to $500 for full-time faculty is available in the 2020-21 AY for attending or presenting at up to three (3) virtual conferences. The funds are designated as travel funds and can be used for registration and other approved conference-related fees. Travel funds cannot be used for membership fees for professional organizations, even if those fees also cover conference attendance.
  • Requesting travel: Complete the Virtual Conference Request Form and submit it to the department ASC at least 10 days in advance. Your ASC will route it through AdobeSign. Coordinate with your ASC about how the conference registration fee will be handled. In general there are three ways to pay for virtual conferences: reimbursement to the faculty member via a reimbursement form processed through the department ASC, direct charge to the department procard (coordinated with the department ASC), or use of the Concur travel card through the Concur process (only for those who already have a Concur travel card).
  • Essential travel: Currently, Cal Poly has suspended all non-essential international and domestic travel for all faculty, staff, students and its auxiliary organizations, including Cal Poly Corporation, Associated Students Inc. and Cal Poly Foundation through June 30, 2021. Authority has been given to the university president to approve exceptions to the travel suspension when there are compelling reasons that support the academic and co-curricular mission of the campus ("essential travel"). All travel must be approved prior to booking a trip or committing funds. Strategic Business Services (SBS) will not be ordering Concur travel cards for CLA faculty and staff until July 1, 2021. However, for anyone requesting to go on essential travel this fiscal year (2020-21), up to $1,500 or funding for one authorized trip (whichever is less; see 2019-20 travel for general guidelines) is still available (NOTE: this is NOT in addition to the $500). All such travel, if approved, will need to go through the new Concur process. SBS can order a card and mail the card to the traveler. Stephanie Albright (CLA Poly Travel Program Analyst) in SBS will conduct the Concur training. Essential travel for new users of the Concur travel card and process, will need to be initiated at least 30 days prior to the employee's departure so SBS can order the card and mail it to the employee.
  • See for any updates to university travel policy.

Dean's Office Contacts: 

  • CLA-funded faculty travel
    Melissa Bodin, CLA
  • All other travel (e.g., unfunded and other professional travel, students, speakers, candidates, relocation): 
    Joy Sisler, CLA
  • Concur travel process  
    Stephanie Albright,
    Strategic Business Services

30 Days Prior to Travel Date (for foreign travel) or 10 Days Prior to Travel Date (for domestic travel)

NOTE: Failure to submit forms listed below by these deadlines may result in denial of travel request.

Domestic (in-state) Travel

International Travel

Within 10 Days of Return Travel Date

For travel after January 1, 2021

Additional Travel Information

Instructions for Completing Travel Forms

  1. Download the form to your local computer desktop.
  2. Fill out all information requested (including pull down options).
  3. Print form, sign, date and obtain appropriate approval signatures.
  4. Retain a copy for your files.
  5. If traveling internationally, submit forms here.

Guiding Principles

  • Support for professional travel must be related to the faculty member’s assignment at the university and/or scholarly interests. There will be no priorities with respect to the categories of professional travel listed above. International, national, regional and state trips will be given equal weight.

  • Faculty who are on sabbatical (or difference-in-pay leaves) are eligible. Faculty who are on other professional leaves and who do not have access to other funds for professional travel provided by another institution or agency may also be eligible.

  • Lecturer, FERP and PRTB faculty are eligible for funding as a percentage of annual time base.


    CLA Travel Policy (2019-20 - for reference only)


    • The college has set aside $150,000 for professional travel support in 2019-20. Requests for travel are to be submitted for planning purposes in the fall (by Thursday, October 31) for the entire fiscal year (JUNE 15, 2019 through JUNE 15, 2020), and shall be part of the department’s travel projections for the year. Typically, travel that will be completed after JUNE 15, 2020, will be submitted for and processed in the next fiscal year. Requests for CLA-funded travel may be submitted for any tenured/tenure-track/lecturer faculty. Departments may augment faculty travel from discretionary funds only. Departments are allowed to develop and apply their own policies for this additional support, consistent with college and university policies.
    • Up to $1,500 or funding for one trip (whichever is less) is available in the 2019-20 AY for the following:
    1. Exhibits, Plays, Recitals, Conference and Workshop Presentations: Faculty may request travel funding to participate in a refereed art exhibit; to present a play, a musical or a dance recital; to present a paper, chair a session, provide substantive comments on a session, participate in a roundtable, make a poster presentation, and/or play some other official role at a meeting of a national, international, regional, or state recognized professional association.

      NOTE: Funding is not available for merely attending an exhibit, play, recital, conference or workshop. 
      1. If travel funding is requested for direct participation at a conference/event that does not fit this definition, the faculty member must provide information about the significance of the conference/event, its sponsors, purpose, and the process by which participants were chosen as part of the application process. This information will be used to determine if travel funding will be awarded.  
      2. Service to the Profession:
        Faculty may request travel funding to serve in an official capacity on a professional committee, as an officer in a professional organization, and/or on an editorial board of a journal. Other services will also be considered with appropriate documentation.
      3. Research: Faculty may request travel funding in order to conduct research. In this case, the supporting documentation must state the type of research proposed, discuss its methods, and explain both its significance and expected outcomes (scholarly presentation and/or publication, for example). A clear rationale for travel must be included, and a post-trip report must be submitted by the end of the quarter during which the travel took place.

    Dean's Office Contacts: 

    • CLA-funded faculty travel
      Melissa Bodin
    • All other travel (e.g., unfunded and other professional travel, students, speakers, candidates, relocation): 
      Joy Sisler

    Application Process for ALL Faculty Travel

    Please note: all information must be typed onto the forms. All forms are available as preformatted, typeable Excel (XLS) files. Please always use the CLA forms, downloading them from the CLA website at the time of each trip. BECAUSE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS CHANGE CONSTANTLY, DO NOT REUSE OLD FORMS.

    1. Complete the CLA Travel Pre-Authorization Form (XLS). All faculty MUST file a pre-authorization form for any professional travel, whether funded or unfunded. If a faculty member must be on leave from campus for reasons other than professional travel (e.g., sick leave, personal holiday, other), please see your department chair and administrative coordinator for proper procedures and forms. PLEASE NOTE: Academic Year Faculty DO NOT have vacation/personal time for use during the academic term, except for the one (1) Personal Holiday. Personal travel or absences during the academic term may be subject to docked pay.  

      As state employees, travelers may be eligible for special rates on airfares and lodging. Please see Fiscal Services’ complete travel guidelines with this detailed information.


      Car rentals must be done through Enterprise Rent A Car, the university’s primary vendor.

      According to university policy, “In the event that the primary vendor is unable to provide service the secondary vendor must be used.” To book with National, call Giselle's Travel. 

      Employees must use one of the commercial car rental companies currently under contract with the State of California when renting a vehicle for Official State business travel. The University will not pay for the rental of a vehicle from a company that does not have a contract with the State. Unlimited mileage, insurance and airport fees are included in the State contract rates.

      In the event that employees rent from a company that does not have a contract with the State, their department or agency may be legally responsible for all damages (bodily injury, death and property damage) sustained by others as well as property damage to the rental vehicle.

      In addition, please realize that that the State contract rates are guaranteed statewide, and that liability insurance (up to $500,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage combined) is included in the rate. Non-State rates do not include insurance and Cal Poly will not reimburse you for adding insurance.

      Please also see Fiscal Services’ rental car guidelines.
    2. Complete and attach the CLA Travel Pre-Authorization Addendum Form (XLS)which documents class coverage and laptop computer use information. Acceptable arrangements for class coverage include having a guest lecture given by a colleague, having a film shown by a colleague or graduate student, having a test proctored by a colleague or eligible graduate student, or having students complete a relevant library or other extra assignment. Office staff and/or undergraduate students cannot be asked to provide class coverage. Graduate students eligible to proctor tests are those who have been trained to deal with possible cheating and plagiarism. Contacts are available through the Dean’s Office. Payment to graduate students for class coverage services is the responsibility of the department. Canceling class is not an option.

      Faculty should also be aware of procedures involving travel with state-issued laptops. Please indicate on the CLA Travel Pre-Authorization Addendum Form (XLS) whether you are taking your state-issued laptop with you (see Section C). For in-state and other domestic travel you should have a current CLA Computer Use Form filed with the CLA Dean’s Office (via CLA Techs) and carried with the laptop; no additional form is required. For international travel, you will need to complete an on-line CLA Computer Use Form: International Travel for each international trip; however, it is highly recommended that you use a checkout laptop instead. Please refer to the CLA Computer Use Policies and Procedures for the types of information that CANNOT be on your computer when you travel and procedures to follow to help the information on your state-issued laptop remain secure and virus-free.
    3. Submit the completed and signed Travel Pre-Authorization Form (XLS) and the CLA Travel Pre-Authorization Addendum Form (XLS) to the CLA Dean’s Office (not your department office) at least 10 days in advance of travel in the U.S. and at least 30 days (45 days preferred) in advance of international travel. The Travel Pre-Authorization Form and the CLA Travel Pre-Authorization Addendum MUST be submitted on time or the travel risks not being approved or funded.
    4. Pre-authorization for travel in the United States requires filing these forms at least 10 days in advance. Pre-authorization for international travel requires Provost’s approval, additional forms and purchase of CSU-Approved Foreign Travel InsuranceThese forms must be submitted at least 30-45 days in advance (high hazard travel requires three (3) months). Please plan accordingly. 
      • If NOT Requesting CLA Funds, signatures of the traveler, the department chair, and the Dean’s Office will be required. State account information should not be included and the totals should be listed as zeroes, unless other state funds are being requested. Please have your administrative coordinator review the request for accuracy and completeness, including the dates and times of departure and return.
      • If Requesting CLA Funds, the request must be signed by the traveler and approved by the department chair and the Dean’s Office. Please have your administrative coordinator review the request, especially the dates and times of departure and return and the account numbers. Account numbers and totals should be filled out.
      • If Requesting CLA Funds, please select the box corresponding to either Exhibits, Plays, Recitals, Conferences and Workshops; Service to the Profession; Research or Other (with explanation) on the CLA 1A Travel Pre-Authorization Form (XLS) and fill out the other information accordingly.

        In addition, faculty are required to include:
        1. A short statement indicating the intended professional objectives of the particular trip.
        2. Supporting documentation, such as a confirmation of paper acceptance, with the form. The CLA Travel Pre-Authorization Addendum Form (XLS) also asks travelers to indicate other sources of support, if any, for the trip.
      NOTE: The completed, typed forms and attachments MUST be sent through your department coordinator so they can include the correct funding information, check the form for overall accuracy, and obtain needed signatures. Please do not include any personal address information on the forms. Forms will be sent back if any information is missing, left blank, or incorrect OR if personal address information is included. Not filing a pre-authorization form puts the traveler at risk for covering all costs associated with the travel, including those arising from accidents.
    5. Within 10 days of your return, complete the CLA Travel Expense Form 262 (XLS) 2019 for travel prior to January 1, 2020 or the CLA Travel Expense Form 262 (XLS) 2020 for travel after January 1, 2020 for all professional travel, no matter what the funding source (state, discretionary, or a combination of the two). Please see your department coordinator for information on allowable expenses and reimbursement rates.

      The CLA Travel Expense Claim​ Form 262 (XLS) must be completed and submitted within 10 days of returning from the trip or the traveler risks the loss of reimbursement. Do not include any personal address information on the forms or the receipts (this may mean thoroughly crossing out personal address information on airline, car rental, hotel and other receipts). Do not attach boarding passes or Google maps. Please include original receipts for air, lodging, parking, and auto rental. Receipts must be affixed with tape (on edges only — not covering the text of the receipt), not staples, to the back of the expense form and/or on a separate 8.5” X 11” sheet of white paper, if necessary. Please see your department coordinator for special instructions involving foreign travel and reimbursement rates.

      NOTE: The completed form and attachments MUST be sent through your department coordinator so they can include the correct funding information, check the form for overall accuracy (including dates and times of departure and return and claims for meals), and obtain needed signatures prior submitting to the Dean’s Office. Forms will be sent back if any information is missing, left blank or incorrect, or if personal address information is included. 

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