In 2017, three goals were identified for the college that arose from discussions between the associate dean for diversity and curriculum and the Faculty Diversity Committee: (1) Work to attract, retain, cultivate and nurture individuals who are invested in cultural competence across disciplines; (2) Provide more explicit institutionalized value for a variety of diversity-related efforts and knowledge; and (3) Offer more college-supported opportunities for diversity-related education, training, experiences and recognition. Later in 2018, a fourth university-based goal was discussed regarding the closing of the gap in graduation rates found between underrepresented and non-underrepresented students. In 2018-19, following the completion of the university directed CPX survey, our college gathered together an Action Planning Team lead by the associate dean for diversity and curriculum and made up of members of the CLA Faculty Diversity Committee, to begin work on developing a comprehensive action plan. This work resulted in the expansion of the former three goals into five: (1) Recruit a diverse group of faculty, students and staff who value and are invested in cultural competence; (2) Retain a diverse group of faculty, students and staff who value and are invested in cultural competence; (3) Provide explicit college support and value for training and education related to DEI issues; (4) Develop institutionalized practices and policies that increase equity across the college and university; and (5) Eliminate graduation rate gaps between underrepresented and non-underrepresented students. These goals align nicely with the University Strategic Plan as well (See Appendix A). The Action Planning Team worked to flesh out specific areas underneath each of these five overarching goals, and in turn identified metrics to be used to address progress in these areas. As a part of identifying these metrics, the team consulted with the academic affairs director of assessment and made adjustments based on this feedback. Next, the Action Plan was presented to the full Faculty Diversity Committee and feedback was again solicited and incorporated. Finally, the Action Plan was presented to the College Council, and accepted by the dean of the college.