Class Acts - Ken Habib
Ken Habib / Music Department
Specialty Area: Ethnomusicology / Years at Cal Poly: 12
What is/has been your favorite class to teach?
While I usually don’t have a favorite this or that, I particularly enjoy the two courses I teach most often: the Arab Music Ensemble and Popular Music of the USA.
If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring one book, what would it be?
My MacBook with a solar charger and bicycle generator and loaded with reading, music, and other educational materials.
How/why did you choose to work at Cal Poly?
Following graduate school at UCSB and a visiting assistant professorship at Pomona College, I wanted to remain near family in the area and applied to Cal Poly in light of its location as well as its quality.
What are your research/scholarly pursuits?
My specializations in ethnomusicology are music of the Middle East and American popular music. An ongoing focus of my research/scholarship is the iconic Lebanese singer, Fairuz, who in collaboration with the Rahbani family of composer-poets has been a preeminent force in Arab art and popular music since the mid-twentieth century. The investigations involve musical and textual analysis, the use of musical arts in the creation of personal and social meaning, and the experience of music culture in diaspora.
What is your favorite class/student moment?
Among the highlights: In classroom contexts, witnessing a student wrestle with and grasp a complex issue. In concerts, seeing an audience appreciate a student performance of music not otherwise represented in San Luis Obispo. In cases of working closely with a student over an extended period of time, seeing them receive a major award (like a Fulbright), accept an excellent graduate school offer (as with full funding), or get a job that suits them exceptionally well.
What is one thing you wish your students knew about you?
I hope all of them do know that I believe they can change the world and make it better.
What are your hobbies/extracurricular activities?
Watching science fiction series and films, walking on the beach and hiking in natural habitats, following news around the world...
Do you have a favorite getaway location?
Favorites include trips into nature.
What is a fact about you that few know?
Perhaps few know that I used to work on a small island in the Persian Gulf.
What is/are your guilty pleasure(s)?
Somewhere high on this list is black raspberry chocolate chip ice cream.
Are there any scholars or individuals who have inspired you?
My parents have inspired me more than I could say.

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