2014 Impact - The College of Liberal Arts Magazine
Dear CLA Alumni and Friends:
Since arriving at Cal Poly, I have been impressed by the close-knit community that comprises the College of Liberal Arts — both on and off campus. The College of Liberal Arts’ alumni and friends that I have met are just as passionate about Cal Poly now, if not more so, as when they first stepped on campus.
This is a testament to our outstanding faculty and staff, who truly care about students’ academic, professional and personal success. Your achievements have established the high value of a liberal arts degree at Cal Poly. The college’s respect for you and our continuing commitment to students require that we sustain across future generations of students the excellence for which we are known. By striving to innovate and expand opportunities for students, we position them and us at the forefront of our traditional disciplines and emerging interdisciplinary fields.
Collectively, our CLA community is doing amazing things on campus, in the community, and in the world. Our community’s accomplishments exceed the pages of this publication, but we hope to provide you with a sense of the depth and breadth of the CLA story of excellence.
With this publication and our quarterly e-newsletter, The Link, we reaffirm our commitment to staying connected with our ever-increasing network of alumni and friends. I hope you join me in this commitment. Please keep us updated on your activities, support the college through your time and philanthropic gifts, and most important, help tell the Cal Poly CLA story.
Thank you for all your support. Together, we can raise the level of excellence and recognition of the College of Liberal Arts exponentially.
Best regards,
Douglas Epperson
Dean, College of Liberal Arts