Class Acts - Richard Besel
Richard Besel / Communication Studies Department
Specialty Area: Rhetoric, Environmental Communication, Science Communication / Years at Cal Poly: 11
What is/has been your favorite class to teach?
This is a difficult question to answer. I enjoy teaching several courses and would see some of them as equally enjoyable.
If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring one book, what would it be?
I would bring one that tells me how to either escape a desert island or survive on a desert island.
How/why did you choose to work at Cal Poly?
I had never been to California until I started interviewing for academic positions. Cal Poly invited me out in 2007, and I was impressed with the campus and students. I accepted the offer and have stayed with Cal Poly ever since.
What are your research/scholarly pursuits?
Although I am primarily trained as a rhetoric scholar, my research/scholarly pursuits focus on environmental rhetoric and science communication. My early work primarily addressed climate change communication. More recently, I have broadened my interests into other environmental and scientific concerns.
What is your favorite class/student moment?
Advising students with their senior projects has produced some of my favorite teaching moments. I have been fortunate enough to help some students publish their work or raise funds for deserving organizations. I have advised over 120 projects since arriving at Cal Poly, and the experience never gets old.
What is one thing you wish your students knew about you?
I'm not sure.
What are your hobbies/extracurricular activities?
I like to read academic books. No, really. I don’t just read academic books for my job, but I actually enjoy doing so. I also like playing poker, although I will be the first to admit I have a long way to go to master the activity. I’m also a fan of action movies and mixed martial arts.
Do you have a favorite getaway location?
Catalina Island, Yellowstone National Park, or Las Vegas.
What is a fact about you that few know?
I was born in South Korea and grew up in Germany.
What is/are your guilty pleasure(s)?
Watching mixed martial arts.
Are there any scholars or individuals who have inspired you?
My undergraduate speech and debate coach, Richard Paine, has been and remains a significant influence in my life. I still see him at conferences and chat with him often. If I can inspire my students in the same way he has inspired me, then I would count that as a successful career.

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