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2024 - 8th Annual Teach In

Eighth Annual Social Justice Teach In - New Date May 9, 2024

After careful consideration and ongoing dialogue, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the Teach-In previously scheduled for Thursday, May 9th. In light of the feedback and responses from presenters, we have come to believe that proceeding with the event in its current form would not adequately meet the commitment made to the campus with the initial postponement, nor would the event fully reflect the spirit of an authentic campus Teach In. We want to express our sincere gratitude to all the faculty, staff, and students who submitted proposals and demonstrated a deep commitment to advancing social justice through education and discourse. While the Teach-In will not take place as planned, we remain dedicated to supporting initiatives that advance intersectional inclusion, transformational change, and radical hope on our campus.

2023 - 7th Annual Teach In

Seventh Annual Social Justice Teach In

February 9, 2023


Join the Cal Poly Community for the seventh annual Social Justice Teach In, a daylong series of talks and workshops centered around equity and social justice designed to inform and inspire.

Five tracks of sessions are focused on specific topics, as marked on this schedule.

HSI Icon Pathways to Hispanic-Serving Institutions

Camera Icon Pop Culture and Media

RJ Icon Reproductive Justice

Calculator Icon DEI in Engineering

Chains Breaking Icon Restorative Justice: Beyond Incarceration

We need student volunteers! Sign up now to volunteer for the 7th Annual Social Justice Teach In.

Topic and Time Presenter(s) Registration/ Location

8:10 — 9 a.m.

RJ Icon Texas: The New Jane Crow

This presentation will outline a brief history of abortion access, leading up to our current situation, using Texas as an example. I will discuss why not having abortion access matters to individuals and to society as a whole. I will also discuss projections for future directions of abortion access and action items that we can take.

  • Ophra Leyser-Whalen (she/her), Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Texas at El Paso
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(Virtual Event)

Using Social and Behavior Change Research to Improve Health Outcomes in Low and Middle-Income Countries

I will present on the typical roles and responsibilities of applied researchers working in the global health field. I’ll use two recent examples from projects that I lead: 1. Social and behavior change research to improve hygienic environments and reduce childhood stunting in Ethiopia 2. Social and behavior change research to improve uptake of Covid 19 vaccinations in Ivory Coast and Democratic Republic of Congo During my discussion I’ll talk about the work that researchers do, from working across collaborative teams, to writing proposals, developing protocols, and designing and executing data analysis plans. These insights will give participants a window into working in the global health and development field as social researchers.

  • Gretchen Thompson (she/her), Sociologist, FHI 360 Global Health Research Department
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(Bldg. 35, Room 209)

Chains Breaking Icon Authors Inside: Building a Writing Community to Reduce Recidivism in CA Prisons

This presentation will describe the work of Authors Inside, a local nonprofit dedicated to empowering currently and formerly incarcerated authors to make sustainable change in their lives and in their communities through writing and publishing.

  • Jason Peters
  • Otis Greene III
  • George KL Smith
  • Emmanuel Gaisie
  • Laura Gaisie
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(Bldg. 10, Room 225)

Calculator Icon DEI in STEM: "Creative Destruction"

Conventionally, 'creative destruction' is defined as the dismantling of long-standing practices in order to make way for innovation primarily for capitalistic ends. This workshop will explore examples of racial and gender disparities within STEM and discuss how we as members of the Cal Poly community can make positive change on our campus and beyond.

  • Arnold Deffo
  • Michael Whitt
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(Bldg. 10, Room 231)

Incorporating Social Justice Projects Into Thermodynamics and Thermal System Design Classes

Topics and assignments related to social justice are being integrated into thermal systems design and thermodynamics courses with the goal of disrupting the social/technical dualism present in engineering curriculum that often discourages engineering students from learning about and participating in social justice issues and discussions. Using a modular four-step process the social justice assignments have students do engineering analysis while at the same time think about the impact of the engineering technology on different groups of people. This presentation will give examples of the assignments, talk about the student reception and instructor's experience and tips.

  • Jennifer Mott (she/her), Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
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(Bldg. 192, Room 321)

9:10 — 10 a.m.


Trust Your Students: How To Grade in Plain Sight

This presentation will highlight the experiences of faculty members from three different disciplines who have implemented changes to grading practices in their courses to make them more equitable. The book “Grading for Equity” was used as a guide for rethinking the traditional approaches to grading and how these practices that have been used for so long by so many instructors have actually created inequity in the classroom. There will be a discussion on the ideas behind why they changed their approaches to grading and assessments and the outcomes of these changes. An example of some of the changes that have been made include ungrading, removing late policies, minimum grading, and more! The presentation will also provide attendees with information on small changes they can make in their classes that can create big impacts for their students.

  • Stefanee Maurice (she/her)
  • Brian Bates (he/him)
  • Kevin Ross (he/him)
  • Patrick O'Sullivan (he/him)
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(Bldg. 186, Room C101)

Camera Icon "Killing Him Will Risk Eternal War”: Black and Indigenous Tensions and Solidarities in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

The 2022 Black Panther: Wakanda Forever film illuminates insightful and provocative tensions that arise for Black and Indigenous peoples when settler colonial nation states violently pursue valuable natural resources. Drs. Castilow, Heberling, and Moraga will bring their varied expertise to a lively conversation about popular media, settler colonialism, and Black and Indigenous relations.

  • Dan Castilow (he/him)
  • Lydia Heberling (she/hers)
  • Jorge Moraga (he/him)
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(Bldg. 192, Room 106)

Calculator Icon My Team and Me: Team Contracts to Support Inclusive Teaching and Learning

Nothing in Aerospace (or engineering in general) gets designed or built without a team. Likewise, in the classroom many projects, labs, and research are conducted in teams. However, team dynamics are not always equitable, and student identities can impact their experience on a team. For example, not everyone on the team has the same kind of free time or the same style of working, so communicating is the cornerstone for a positive teamwork experience. As instructors, although we normally provide explicit instruction to understand mathematical concepts, there was an expectation that students would know how to productively work in a team without explicit instruction or discussion. As an instructor, I have made a pedagogical decision in my Intro to Aerospace Engineering course, to make space to hold discussions regarding what it means to be an inclusive team member, what are ways to make each person’s voice heard, how they were going to deal with heated discussions, and when it is appropriate to involve the instructor. The intention of this work is to provide students with more tools to build successful teams where everyone can succeed and feel included in the learning. Following this discussion, students spend time in their lab groups creating a team contract, building on the discussion from the classroom with specific solutions for their individual groups. This process is formalized as an aspect of my course, and includes the submission of the team contract as an assignment, and a self-evaluation reflecting on their team and their teamwork. The overall goal is to increase inclusive team practices to support learning for all students via explicitly making class time for discussions about teamwork, and promoting practices to involve all students in the team, and to recognize that inclusive teamwork takes practice, just like everything else.

  • Kira Abercromby (she/her), Professor, Aerospace Engineering
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(Bldg. 192, Room 321)

Calculator Icon Thriving in the College of Engineering - a Student Perspective

A panel of student leaders from CENG clubs discuss challenges and opportunities for thriving in engineering for students with diverse backgrounds and identities.

  • Clubs from the College of Engineering
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(Bldg. 197, Room 104)

Why Does it Matter Whose Land We Are On?

Aligned with Cal Poly's Learn by Doing motto, many of our students find themselves outside, working the land and connecting with the wide variety of natural resources in the county and beyond. How many of these students know who stewarded the land for time immemorial and why does that even matter? This session will explore many questions, such as how do we reconcile the promotion and use of Indigenous land management practices in class, without acknowledging their roots, while we live in a settler colonial society? Can we divorce the use and recognition of Indigenous land management practices without giving land back?

  • Becca Lucas (she/her)
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(Bldg. 21, Room 105A)

RJ Icon Sex Education @ Cal Poly

In Spring 2020, students in the Sexual and Reproductive Health Lab on campus assessed knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of sexual health among Cal Poly students. The results revealed a lack of knowledge about many sexual health topics and varying sexual scripts among students. These results led to the development of sex education modules for the campus community.

  • Joni Roberts (she/her), Assistant Professor, Kinesiology and Public Health  
  • Gabriella Snow (she/her), Frost Fellow, Kinesiology and Public Health  
  • Alexa Asson (she/her), Biology
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(Bldg. 05, Room 105)

10:10 — 11 a.m.

Chains Breaking Icon Artistic Activism to Disrupt the Single Story of Incarcerated Populations

In her infamous Ted Talk, Chimamanda Adichie discusses the danger of a single story and how it limits our ability to see people, places, and things in their totality. This is often the case in the United States when it comes to beliefs and perceptions about incarcerated populations. There is an inherent refusal to see them as anything other than criminals because that narrative is all we have been exposed to through media outlets, observations, experience, and language. This perception is not only dehumanizing, but it is also detrimental to community reentry. This presentation demonstrates how what we say influences what we see and how we can use language to shift narratives about who incarcerated people are. It showcases two projects that use artistic activism to challenge the single story of what it means to be a “prisoner” or ”criminal.” 

  • Unique Shaw-Dismuke (she/her), Adjunct Professor
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(Virtual Event)

Discussing Colonial Narratives of APIDA Gender and Sexuality

The APIDA community has a unique history with not only the construction of gender narratives, but also how that affects stereotypes of sexuality. These gender roles often affect the way that our families and communities interact with each other as well as how others perceive our community. In this presentation, we unpack this history and look towards ways to deconstruct and heal from this. Content Warnings: Exoticization/Fetishization, Emasculation, Sexual violence, Racialized violence, Sexual Assault.

  • Caprial Koe (She/hers), Coordinator of the MultiCultural Center
  • Matilda Bunchongchitr (She/hers), SAFER Advocate
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(UU 111F)

RJ Icon The Sex Talk: Access to Comprehensive Sex Education and Redefining Parenting

This session will discuss barriers and access to comprehensive sex education as it relates to reproductive justice in the US. Other topics include, how to equip parents for conversations on sex, and resources to help redefine parenting where sex education is not political but rather a naturally ingrained part of what it means to raise children to be respectful to themselves and others. The goal of this session is highlight how a less violent world is possible through sex education.

  • Christina Kaviani (she/her), Lecturer, COMS/WQGS
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(Bldg. 05, Room 105)

Camera Icon Monoracism in Popular Culture: Examining Multiracial Microaggressions on TV

Monoracism is a system of oppression rooted in “assumptions and beliefs in singular, discrete racial categories” (Johnston and Nadal, 2010, p. 125). This session will utilize video clips from several television series to illustrate a range of multiracial microaggressions and prompt critical dialogue around dominant narratives of mixedness in popular culture and action steps to disrupt monoracism on campus and beyond.

  • Jacob Campbell (he/him), Retention Specialist
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(Bldg. 21, Room 105A)

The “Karen” of Women’s Soccer: an Analysis of Carli Lloyd’s Mediated Neoliberal and Postracial Discourse

We will be presenting research concerning neoliberal messaging in Women's Professional Soccer. Specifically, in an interview with the Fox Sports State of the Union podcast, two-time FIFA World Cup champion, Carli Lloyd, criticized her 2015 World Cup teammates, claiming there was a “shift in people’s mindset. It became more about what can I do to build my brand off the field…and less about what we can do between those lines” (Kilander, 2022). Many interpreted Lloyd's comments as a critique of the U.S. Women’s National Team’s (USWNT) increasing political justice efforts, including some players refusing to take a knee during the national anthem and fighting for equal pay (Cash, 2022). Lloyd, who is white, was seemingly suggesting that athletes of color should not discuss the politics of race, class, and gender, and just focus on playing the game. Despite cultural presumptions of meritocracy and postracism in sport (Hylton, 2009), Black players struggle to gain the same level of respect as white players from fans, the media, and even their white teammates (as evidenced by Lloyd’s comments). As explained by Hylton (2009), the combination of discourses of neoliberalism and postracism reinforce the idea that race and racism are no longer relevant, invalidating and perpetuating racial and socioeconomic disadvantages. For instance, the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) and the USWNT recruit heavily from elite private club teams, which require a level of financial access and stability (e.g. tournament fees, as well as travel and equipment costs) that many athletes of color may not have (Hinjosa, 2017). As U.S. women’s soccer faces critique about a lack of diversity (Hinjosa, 2017), many athletes of color have sought to remove barriers for future women athletes. This joint effort of emancipation and resistance has been actively criticized by Lloyd in camouflaged discourses of “work hard, play hard” and “focus on the game.” In this presentation, we textually analyze Lloyd’s media interviews and her social media to argue her use of neoliberal narratives of personal responsibility, hard work, and self-control functions to silence women athletes of color and stem the tide toward more diversity in the NWSWL and USWNT.

  • Megan Lambertz-Berndt (she/her), Associate Professor in Communication Studies
  • Emily Ryalls (she/her), Associate Professor in ISLA
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(Bldg. 35, Room 209)

Calculator Icon Encouraging Sociotechnical Connections in Engineering Science Courses

Evident in calls such as the NAE Grand Challenges, UN Sustainable Development Goals, and numerous guest editorials, current and future engineering problems are fundamentally sociotechnical. That is, these problems both shape and are shaped by social, cultural, political, environmental, and other contexts in ways that are vast and complex. Engineers work on problems in, for example, healthcare, environmental protection, transportation, and others that involve complex interactions between diverse systems and stakeholders. And while engineering almost always entails sociotechnical thinking, most engineering science courses are taught in ways that minimize—intentionally or otherwise—the ways in which technical content can connect to contexts and experiences beyond the classroom. This presentation will share some preliminary findings from different interventions in an engineering statics course to help students make connections between course topics and broader social, cultural, environmental, personal, etc. dimensions that are relevant to their lives. In particular, I will present findings in the form of student passages from a “problem redesign” assignment as well as a Utility Value Intervention. I will highlight the different ways that students make connections to course concepts and encourage a rich discussion around potential approaches for integrating sociotechnical topics into other engineering science courses.

  • Ben Lutz (he/him), Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
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(Bldg. 197, Room 104)

11:10 a.m. — 12 p.m.

RJ Icon Decolonizing Sex Positivity

Mo will take a deep dive into the harmful beliefs we have about sex and how these beliefs are in service of oppressive, colonial systems. They will explore the pitfalls of the sex positive movement on U.S college campuses and rely on the narratives and lessons from Black and brown queer scholarship. Their book It's My Pleasure: Decolonizing Sex Positivity was born from the following questions: What do you feel is never questioned? Where does shame reside in your body? What is the script you’ve been taught about sex? And more. To decolonize sex positivity is to ask ourselves where the truths we learned about sex came from. In this Social Justice teach in, we will explore how sex education can be a path to liberation.

  • Mo Asebiomo (They/Them), Author
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(Chumash Auditorium)
Mo Asebiomo

Mo Asebiomo is a queer Nigerian-American author based in Oakland, California who loves to write and be outside. Mo grew up mostly in South Georgia and came to California to study Psychology and Theatre and Performance Studies at Stanford University. Mo is committed to building a liberated and radically inclusive future in all the work they do. When they’re not cloud watching, they love to dance to Afro-beats, make zines and sleep under the Sun.
Their debut book, “It's My Pleasure: Decolonizing Sex Positivity,” is a book intended as a tool to examine the harmful beliefs we have about sex and how these beliefs are in service of oppressive, colonial systems. The book urges readers to reflect on their own sex education while also guiding them in reimagining their own paths towards freedom and liberation

12:10 — 1 p.m.

Bringing Disability Culture to Cal Poly

Participants will learn what disability culture is and have the opportunity to choose an aspect of disability culture to participate in.

  • M.W. Kaplan (they/them)
  • Sydney Lehr (they/them)
  • Reina Knowles (she/her)
  • Chau Nguyen (she/her)
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(Virtual Event)

12:10 — 2 p.m.

Art and Design Activist Artmaking Workshop

Participants can experience screen printing, stencils, button making, and other forms of activist art!

  • Elizabeth Folk (she/her)
  • Linh Dao (she/her)
  • Allison Myers (she/her)
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(Bldg. 34, Room 128)

Woman, Life, Freedom

This presentation will be centered around the 2022 protests that started in Iran against Mahsa Amini's death and the unrest and revolution that has occurred since. We will talk about the the past of this humanitarian crisis and what the future holds. Additionally, we will discuss what Cal Poly students have been doing to join these movements.

  • Alla Abolhassani (she,her, hers)
  • Melissa Toussimer (she, her, hers)
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(Bldg. 186, Room C202)

Camera Icon Talkin' About A Revolution: Women's Voices Lifted in Protest

An old adage says “when a black woman speaks in public, it’s a political act”. This idea captures the power of silenced voices ringing out and taking space in political discourse. Making ourselves heard. Music is a particularly loud way for women to assert their voices in social space. And so, women’s music has been the backbeat of the history of activism around the world. Where is the music in today’s social protests? How does the music of protest - particularly women’s voices lifted in protest - connect us to today’s demonstrations for justice? Where are women taking up space through music? What is the power of women’s voices lifted in song? Join us for a sonic exploration of women’s voices lifted in protest, from Sister Rosetta Tharpe and the Freedom Singers of the Black Civil Rights Movement, to Rhiannon Giddens, the Resistance Revival Chorus, and protests in Chile, Mexico, Iran, and China. We’ll play some music, talk about music, and maybe make some of our own!

  • Amanda Frye (she/her/hers)
  • Thanayi Jackson (she/her/hers)
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(Bldg. 38, Room 131)

A Space of Our Own

R.A.C.E. Matters SLO County, a SLO-based nonprofit organization, invites students, faculty and staff to explore and imagine a Black-centered/Multicultural space in the heart of San Luis Obispo. The nonprofit was recently awarded $40,000 from the city of SLO as part of a one-year, high-impact DEI grant for activation of such a space, with the ultimate goal of a permanent location. As part of this teach-in forum, R.A.C.E. Matters SLO County would invite input and feedback from staff, faculty and students, with a focus on the needs of Black students given the ongoing concerns around student enrollment and belonging on and off Cal Poly's campus. We'd welcome an opportunity to gather as a community to dream, share and drum. As part of the forum, we would also like to open a window into R.A.C.E. Matters events and activities. To that end, we will invite drummer and facilitator Tracy Morgan to lead us in a drum circle as drumming and dialogue have become a key component of many of our programs.

  • Julie Lynem (she/her)
  • Courtney Haile (she/her)
  • Tracy Morgan (he/him)
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(Dexter Lawn East)

1:10 — 2 p.m.

Understanding (White) Privilege and Dismantling Oppressive Systems: A Hands-On Approach

This presentation will introduce folx to the topics of privilege, white privilege, and power. After exposing folx to these ideas and talking through examples, we will all engage in two larger activities: one that asks folx to explore their own privileges and discuss them in small groups and one where folx learn about and practice intervening as bystanders.

  • Leslie R. Nelson (she/her), Assistant Professor, Communication Studies 
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(Virtual Event)

Liberation Through Cross-Racial Solidarity: Reducing Racism and Improving Youths' Wellness Through Unity

Cross-racial solidarity happens naturally in many settings, but we do not talk about it often enough. Join us for a passionate student-led panel on cross-racial solidarity and how it can create relief from oppression(s) and foster wellness. The local students moderated by two mental health clinicians will speak about their experience building community and unity with different racial groups and working together for a common social justice goal. There will be an opportunity for discussion and, questions and answers after the panelists share their lived experiences and recommendations on how to achieve this in your groups of care.

  • Susana A. Lopez (she/her/ella)
  • Carey Alvord (she/her)
  • Israel Perez (he/him), highschool student
  • Melissa Gonzalez (she/her/ella), college student
  • Ana Lopez (she/her/ella), highschool student
  • Ne'Jai Bryant (she/her), highschool student
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(Bldg. 05, Room 105)

HSI Icon We Have to See to Serve: Latinx Students On Being Seen in the Curriculum

Latinx students from WLC 312 (Humanities in Chicano/a Culture) will reflect on seeing their experiences and culture highlighted in a GE class.

  • Karen Muñoz-Christian (she/her), Chair, World Languages and Cultures Department
  • Marivel Lozano
  • Yarely de la Cruz
  • Yeilen Fernández-Ortiz
  • John Vilarino
  • Evelyn Tostado
  • Sophia Robledo
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(Virtual Event)

Transgender Athlete Participation in Collegiate Sport

Transgender participation in high level sports is one of the most debated and complex topics in sport today. The presentation will dissect the the major arguments and present perceptions that have yet to be through considered. Preview of our national study of collegiate athlete perceptions will be discussed as well.

  • Joey Gray
  • Aliya Adegoke
  • DeLorean Rosales
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(Bldg. 14, Room 246)

Social and Environmental Justice and Public Parks and Recreation

What is the role of public parks and recreation spaces in creating a more socially and environmentally just United States?

  • Jerusha B. Greenwood (she/hers), Professor, Experience Industry Management
  • Marni Goldenberg (she/hers), Professor, Experience Industry Management
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(Bldg. 186, Room C302)

HSI IconMoving from the Matter of Resources to the Mattering of Lives: Applying Public Health Concepts to ‘Servingness’ in Hispanic-Serving Institutions

The inequitable distribution of physical resources in neighborhoods - supermarkets, parks, community centers - is a recognized determinant of health disparities. Neighborhoods are also geographic anchors for social spaces, providing social resources as well as webs of interconnection that people are part of and give back to. In this presentation we will explore some of the issues around neighborhood, connectedness, and health: What kinds of evidence will ‘prove’ to decision-makers that neighborhoods can help people feel like they matter, and that mattering matters? How do we use that evidence to make neighborhoods better for everyone? We will apply the same questions to the concept of ‘servingness’ in Cal Poly’s journey to becoming a Hispanic-Serving Institution.

  • Marilyn Tseng
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(Bldg. 35, Room 209)

Calculator Icon Advances in Research Collaboration

We compare the collaboration networks at a research-focused university (UCSB) compared to a teaching-focused university (Cal Poly). We are particularly interested in the effects of gender and ethnicity and on how the adoption of the teacher-scholar model has changed things at Cal Poly.  Our examination shows that over the last 30 years, Cal Poly has seen relatively more growth in researchers and their corresponding collaborations each year than UCSB. This early analytical work appears to show that the teacher-scholar model has positively impacted the overall research and collaboration community within Cal Poly. 

  • Mugizi Rwebangira (he/his), Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
  • Theresa Migler (she/hers), Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
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(Bldg. 192, Room 321)

2:10 — 3 p.m.

Camera Icon ANDOR: Writing Resistance in the Star Wars Universe

In Star Wars, why did some citizens support the Galactic Empire while others joined the Rebellion? This is the central question of ANDOR, the television prequel series to the film, ROGUE ONE. This lesson will be a dramatic analysis of how the show’s writers depict radicalization, organized resistance, and colonial power. NOTE: We will discuss the entire first season of ANDOR, so there will be spoilers!

  • Ramón Esquivel (he/him), Assistant Professor, Theatre
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(Virtual Event)

Outlasting Systems that Oppress: Voting, Institutional Engagement, and Beyond

This presentation aims to inform participants about strategies for responding to and outlasting oppressive systems. Particularly, this session will focus on the history of voting as one tool for institutional engagement alongside other strategies with which to engage systems of power and build community.

  • Darrian Carroll (he/him), Assistant Professor, Communication Studies
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(Bldg. 24, Room 108)

Mapping for Social Justice| Women Life Freedom

This presentation will be about a research project under the title of mapping for social justice for the ongoing revolution in Iran. This research is supported and consulted by the Situ research group. Working on this research project with Situ helps to: Document this unprecedented uprising led by women in the middle east/ world. As an architectural designer and educator, It would be interesting to see the relationship between people's behavior and the space they occupied during protests. For instance, it would be interesting to analyze what happens at the corners, boundaries, or centers of urban areas when peaceful protests turn violent. Because of such collective mental phenomena, we may find recognizable/repeatable patterns between different protest maps across various locations. One of the potential research outputs could be a handbook for urban designers and architects about how different urban spaces could empower protestors as active populations fighting for social justice.

  • Zahra Rasti (she/her), Lecturer, Architecture
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(Bldg. 186, Room C301)

Machine Learning in Precision Medicine - Promises and Pitfalls

How computational biology has the potential to radically improve equity and access to precision medicine, but also can reinforce exclusionary social establishments.

  • Jean Davidson (she/her), Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
  • Paul Anderson (he/his), Associate Professor of Computer Sciences,
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(Bldg. 33, Room 258)

Calculator Icon Increasing Justice and Reducing Oppression in Student-Led Community-Based Engineering Development Projects and Practices

This workshop introduces, interactively explores, and evaluates an approach to increasing justice and reducing oppression in student-led community-based engineering development projects and practices. Developed, implemented, and tested in a co-curricular context by Cal Poly alum Michael Reyna in their master’s thesis, this approach draws from Design Justice (Design Justice Network; Costanza-Chock, 2020), feminist qualitative science and technology studies, Latin American decolonial theory, and critical participatory action research. Workshop participants will engage in hands-on practice with this approach and will be invited to collaboratively crowd-source additional tools, frameworks, and practices for creating and sustaining more just and transformative partnerships between engineering students and community partners in local, national, and multi-nation contexts.

  • Liz Thompson (she/her) , Professor, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Jane Lehr (she/they), Professor in Ethnic Studies and Women's, Gender and Queer Studies
  • Gabriel Medina-Kim
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(Bldg. 192, Room 321)

HSI Icon Financial Wellness and HSIs

What does financial wellness mean for students at a Hispanic Serving Institution? This presentation will explore institutional challenges and opportunities for serving all students

  • Adrienne Garcia-Specht (she/her), Financial Aid Counselor
  • Blanca Martinez-Navarro (she/her), Associate Dean of Students
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(Bldg. 14, Room 246)

2:10 — 4 p.m.

Chains Breaking Icon Transformative Justice 101: Safety Beyond Police

How do we create communities of care that prevent, interrupt, and intervene in violence? How do we work towards accountability for interpersonal harm? This workshop will seek to answer these questions by providing participants with tools, frameworks, and resources to practice Transformative Justice in their everyday lives.

  • Alexia Arani (she/they), Assistant Professor, WGQS
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(Virtual Event)

2:30 — 4 p.m.

HSI Icon The Role of Social Media, Memorial Museums and NGOs in the Memorialization Process in Guatemala

This presentation aims to provide an overview of the mechanisms and factors that have influenced the creation of physical and virtual spaces to represent the struggles of various groups and Maya indigenous communities in Guatemala, represented by memorials and murals in cemeteries created by NGOs in Guatemala. The historical background, forced disappearances, and displacement of many Achí Maya allows analyzing the different levels of systematic discrimination against these groups during the conflict and post-conflict. Moreover the role of social media and these NGOs in the process of Memorialization.

  • Martha C. Galvan Mandujano (she/her), Assistant Professor, Spanish
  • Bili Alejandra Chavez (they/them), student at Cal Poly
  • Evelyn Alondra Hernandez (she/her), student at Cal Poly
  • Tess McIntyre, student at Cal Poly
  • Grace Therriault, student at Cal Poly
  • Victoria Renee Tsinker, student at Cal Poly
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(Bldg. 35, Room 209)

3:10 — 4:30 p.m.

Camera Icon "We Care So Much We Refuse to Burn Out:" Representations of Culturally Responsive Teaching on TV Sitcom "Abbott Elementary"

A facilitated panel discussion of the ABC hit television show Abbott Elementary. Filmed as a mockumentary style sitcom, Abbott Elementary chronicles the daily lives of students and teachers in a predominately Black school community in Philadelphia. Expert panelists from the fields of sociology, teacher education, and K-12 education will examine the show's portrayal of race, class and culture in teaching and learning.

  • Amanda Frye (she/her), Assistant Professor, Liberal Studies
  • Tina Cheuk (she/her), Assistant Professor, School of Education
  • Briana Ronan (she/her), School of Education
  • Mariana Carlon (she/her), Santa Maria Bonita School District
  • Courtney Moore (she/her), Cal Poly School of Education
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(Virtual Event)

3:10 — 4 p.m.

Empowering Autistic Students in the Classroom and Beyond

Are you a faculty or staff member interested in learning ways you can better support autistic students? Then please join us for this collaborative session, where we will discuss recommendations from autistic students at Cal Poly and the greater autistic community and ways to implement these suggestions in your classes, programs and services.

  • Luna Larsen (she/her), Program Manager, Empowering Autistic Scholars Mentoring and Research Training Program
  • Molly Morgan, Empowering Autistic Scholars Graduate Student Assistant
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(Virtual Event)

RJ Icon College Student Right to Access: Medication Abortion Services at Cal Poly

In January, Cal Poly will begin offering medication abortion services in compliance with Senate Bill 24, also known as the College Student Right to Access Act. Our session will discuss what students can expect regarding abortion services at Cal Poly, situate the service within a reproductive justice framework and discuss two longitudinal studies launched to examine campus perceptions of abortion and reproductive care.

  • Kara Samaniego (she/hers), Assistant Director of Wellbeing, Campus Health and Wellbeing
  • Christine Hackman (she/hers), Professor, Kinesiology and Public Health
  • Joni Roberts (she/hers), Assistant Professor, Kinesiology and Public Health
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(Bldg. 14, Room 246)

Chains Breaking Icon Entrepreneurship After Prison: Challenges, Insights and Opportunities

What is it like to start a business after serving time in prison? Entrepreneurship is increasingly being taught both within prison systems and afterwards through re-entry programs, as having a felony and history of incarceration can make it difficult to find employment once released. Yet, little is known about how the experience of being convicted of a crime and subsequent imprisonment impacts the ability to start and operate a business. This is especially pertinent for long-time offenders who spend five or more years in prison. For this research, we build upon the challenge-based model of entrepreneurship (Miller and Le Breton-Miller, 2017) to explore the adaptive requirements that emerge from being in prison and how these adaptive requirements can both help and hinder the entrepreneurial process once released. This will allow us to then further explore what resources and support are most beneficial when pursuing entrepreneurship after prison. Finally, we move beyond a sole focus on economic implications to explore how the entrepreneurial process affects previously incarcerated individuals in other ways related to hope and wellbeing. The presentation will cover early findings of pilot interviews and the literature review.

  • Fiona Robinson (she/her), Lecturer, Entrepreneurship
  • Student presenter
Register Here
(Bldg. 2, Room 210)

HSI Icon Aprender Haciendo: Elementary and College Students Learning Science in Spanish Together

Nuestra Ciencia is a university-community partnership where college students teach microbiology concepts in Spanish to bilingual elementary students. The program was designed to address microbiology misconceptions and elevate undergraduates as STEM role models for Latinx children. Interdisciplinary teams develop experiments and educational resources, and visit classrooms to lead activities in Spanish. We are also running a section of SCM 302: Learn by Doing Lab entirely in Spanish. Faculty and CP student partners will describe the importance of asset-based bilingual instruction in science. CP students will talk about their experiences and share bilingual student work at the elementary and undergrad level and describe future directions for this work.

  • Alejandra Yep
  • Jasmine Nation
Register Here
(Bldg. 24, Room 108)

Fat and Fit: Navigating Anti-Fat Bias in Sport

A paradox exists within sport which suggests that fat cannot equal fit, that thin bodies are athletic and fat bodies are not. We often talk about the ways in which sport is a microcosm of society, but that conversation is usually limited to discussions of racial and gender inequities. The ways bodies are judged and valued for their size and physical appearance in society also rings true within the world of sport. Athletes who do not fit neatly into the “athletic physique” are often criticized and socially shamed for their size. These negative experiences can have significant consequences for athletes such as quitting their sport or developing an eating disorder. This presentation will dive into the ways anti-fat bias is present within sport, the outcomes experienced by athletes and what we can do as spectators and participants in sport to change the way we talk about athletes’ bodies.

  • Stefanee Maurice (she/her), Assistant Professor, Kinesiology and Public Health
  • Jillian Chandler (she/her), student, Kinesiology and Public Health
Register Here
(Bldg. 186, Room C101)

Calculator Icon Integrating Social and Environmental Justice into the Program Educational Objectives of Cal Poly's Civil and Environmental Engineering Department

After the murder of George Floyd in May 2020, an undergraduate student coalition in the Civil and Environmental Engineering (CE/ENVE) Department at California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo proposed that the curriculum be updated to address the topics of social and environmental justice and their role in Civil and Environmental Engineering. As a result, the CE/ENVE faculty collaborated with the student leaders to integrate social and environmental justice into the CE/ENVE program educational objectives (PEOs).  PEOs reflect the goals that program graduates will achieve within a few years of graduation, reflect the mission of the Department, and provide guidance for specific student learning outcomes in the classrooms.  As such, they are the principle tool for guiding lasting and significant modifications to the curriculum.  As part of the student-initiated PEOs revitalization, additional educational objectives were incorporated, including: resilient, sustainable, and safe design; systems-thinking; and, inclusive communications. This update of the PEOs is a critical step towards re-shaping the CE/ENVE curriculum to educate the students about social justice and its strong connection to engineering design and practice. The new PEOs will result in a modern CE/ENVE curriculum that helps students develop the knowledge and skills needed to address the contemporary challenges facing the world. This presentation discusses the bottom-up, student-centric process used for updating the CE/ENVE PEOs, the stakeholders involved, and the students’ key contributions to the process.  The focus of the work encompasses the challenges encountered during this experience and the lessons learned. Additionally, this presentation including specific examples of implementation of the PEOs into selected courses and development of appropriate activities and assignments. 60-minute version – This presentation includes opportunities to work with attendees to re-consider the PEOs and Learning Objectives for their programs and/or develop specific social-justice focused modules for their classes. 

  • Rebekah Oulton, Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Amr El Badawy, Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Register Here
(Bldg. 192, Room 321)

4 – 5:30 p.m.

Keynote Address


Stereotype Threat and Identity Threat The Science of a Diverse Community

  • Claude M. Steele
Register Here
(Chumash Auditorium)
Claude M. Steele

Claude M. Steele is an American social psychologist and a professor of psychology at Stanford University. He is best known for his work on stereotype threat and its application to minority student academic performance. His earlier work dealt with research on the self as well as the role of self-regulation in addictive behaviors.

5:30 — 6:30 p.m.

Keynote Reception


Join us for a catered reception immediately following Claude Steele's keynote address.


Efren's Restaurant will be serving tacos and a chips and salsa bar.

Chumash Auditorium (Bldg.  65)

7:30 p.m.

An Untitled Love (Dance Performance)

An Untitled Love is Kyle Abraham’s new evening-length work. Drawing from the catalog of Grammy Award-winning R&B legend D’Angelo, this creative exaltation pays homage to the complexities of self love and Black love, while serving as a thumping mixtape celebrating our culture, family and community. 

  • A.I.M by Kyle Abraham

Purchase Tickets

dancers from Untitled Love

Founded in 2006 by choreographer Kyle Abraham, A.I.M by Kyle Abraham is a Black-led contemporary dance company that provides multifaceted performances, educational programming, and community-based workshops. Abraham is one of the most sought after choreographers and dancers of our time. The bold creator has choreographed for New York City Ballet, NYCB dancer Wendy Whelan, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and more. Student Pricing: $15 tickets available in-person at the Cal Poly Ticket Office with student ID.

2022 - 6th Annual Teach In

February 17, 2022

Join the Cal Poly Community for the sixth annual Social Justice Teach In, a daylong series of talks and workshops centered around equity and social justice designed to inform and inspire.

Attendees must register for virtual and in-person sessions individually, and will receive separate email confirmations for each session. In person participants, please be prepared to present your tickets on the day of the Teach In.

Cal Poly requires all students, employees and visitors accessing any indoor facility on campus to wear a face covering, regardless of their vaccination status.

These events will comply with all mandatory requirements and mitigation measures during the COVID-19 pandemic by following state, local and campus safety guidelines, which are subject to change should public health conditions warrant different requirements.

Four tracks of sessions are focused on specific topics, as marked on this schedule.

Art IconArt and Creative Efforts

Education IconEquity-Minded Education


Self Care IconSelf-Care and Community Well-Being

topic and TIME presenter(s) Registration

9 — 10 a.m.

There Are Black People
in the Future
Art Icon
  • Audre Smikle (Black Academic Excellence Center)
Register Here
Understanding (White) Privilege and Dismantling Oppressive Systems: A Hands-On Approach
  • Leslie Nelson (Communications Studies)
Register Here
A Food System for the
Common Good
  • Bridget Mancillas (student)
  • Virly Santos (student)
  • Sinead Swayne (student)
  • Marilyn Tseng (Kinesiology)

Register Here


Explore Online and In-Person Inclusive Teaching Practices to Try Out Tomorrow! Education Icon
  • Natasha Neumann (School of Education)
  • Stefanee Maurice (Kinesiology)
Register Here
Anti-Racism Response: Educator Perspectives on Culturally Responsive Practices Education Icon
  • Susana A. López (Psychology)
  • Amelia Solis Macia (student)
  • Tatiana Garcia (alumna)
Register Here
Constructing Belonging — San Luis Obispo's First Multicultural Center Art Icon
  • Chloe Jane Wardrick (student)
  • Padma Maitland (Architecture)
Register Here
Strategies to Combat Systemic Racism and Microaggressions in SLO County: An Interactive Dialogue
  • Ryan Alaniz (Sociology)
Register Here

10 — 11 a.m.

Sexual Geographies: The Place & Space of Violence Prevention Self Care Icon
  • Jennifer MacMartin
    (Prevention Specialist, Safer)
  • Bryan Shields
Register Here
Restrictions Apply — a Story About Racism in the Happiest City in North America
  • Courtney Haile (Executive Director of R.A.C.E. Matters, Producer on Restrictions Apply)
  • Jaime Lewis (Producer of Restrictions Apply)
Register Here
Healing isn't Linear: Centering the Voices of Marginalized Survivors Self Care Icon
  • Gillian Cutshaw
    (Advocate, Safer)
  • Matilda Bunchongchitr
    (Advocate, Safer)
Register Here
Organizational Strategies to Create Inclusive Organizations
  • Joan Meyers (Sociology)
Presentation Canceled
Building Bridges for a More Connected World: Why Cultural Competence Matters
  • Karen Muñoz-Christian (Chair, World Languages & Cultures)
  • Martha Galván-Mandujano (World Languages & Cultures)
  • Suzanne Phelan (Director, Center for Health Research)
  • Cristina Macedo (Women & Infants Mobile Health Unit)
  • Tim Delbridge (Agribusiness)
  • Sara Zepeda (South County Youth Coalition)
  • Jackie Llamas (South County Youth Coalition)
Register Here
Trails of Absence: Sai Blank and the Myanmar Crisis Art Icon
  • Sai Blank (Community Member)
  • Padma Maitland (Architecture)
Register Here

11 a.m. — 3 p.m.

20 Seconds in Memoriam Art Icon

20 Seconds in Memorium

Michael Rippens shares his installation “20 Seconds In Memoriam,” an interpretive hand-washing station paying homage to the hundreds of Filipino American healthcare workers who have sacrificed their lives during the pandemic in the service of caring for others. Their names —hand-printed in the sink’s basin— become visible as visitors wash their hands, allowing one to spend the recommended 20 seconds reflecting on those front-line workers killed by COVID-19.
More Information

Located in the University Union

11 a.m. — 12 p.m.

The Indigenous Kitchen:
Stories and Recipes for
Healing and Wellness Self Care Icon
  • Jenell Navarro (Ethnic Studies)
  • Lydia Heberling (Ethnic Studies)
  • Cheryl Flores
Waitlist Only
Exiled: The Deportation of Asian American Legal Permanent Residents
  • Katya Cengel (Journalism)
Register Here
Okinawa and the U.S. Military Base Issues: Past, Present, and Future
  • Satoshi Uechi (Director of Okinawa Prefecture Washington D.C. Office)
  • Katsuya Tamaki (Deputy Director of Okinawa Prefecture Washington D.C. Office)
  • Ryan Buyco (Ethnic Studies)
Register Here
An Open Review Session Critical Librarianship and the Ethics of Care
  • jaime ding (Library)
  • Laura Sorvetti (Library)
  • Russ White (Library)
  • Catherine Trujillo (Library)
Register Here
Nuestra Ciencia:
Opening Opportunities in Science STEM Icon
  • Natali Ceja (student)
  • Chanel De Smet (student)
  • Ariann Landaverde (student)
  • Jasmine Nation
    (Liberal Studies)
  • Hector Reyes (student)
  • Alejandra Yep (Biology)
Register Here
Not So "Model" After All: Asian American Racialization and COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Jess Lee (Sociology)
Register Here

11 a.m. — 1 p.m.

Intro to Activist Organizing in the Central Coast: An Intersectional Labor Workshop for Social Justice
  • Lewis Call (History)
  • Lisa Kawamura (Communications Studies)
  • Shelley Hurt
    (Political Science)
  • R.G. Cravens
    (Political Science)
  • Alejandro Bupara (Student)
  • Shanae Aurora Martinez (English)
Register Here

12 — 1 p.m.

Let’s Co-Create a
Self-Care Card Deck Art Icon
  • Christine Wong Yap (visual artist and social practitioner)
Register Here
In Person
Precision Medicine and Machine Learning: Health Equity Promise and Pitfalls STEM Icon
  • Jean Davidson (Biological Sciences)
  • Paul Anderson (Computer Science and Software Engineering)
Register Here

12 — 1:30 p.m.

Food Justice and Climate Chaos: A Conversation with Best-Selling Author and Food Activist Anna Lappé


  • Martine Lappé (Sociology)
  • Sara Lopus (Sociology)
Register Here
The Seeds in STEM Program: A Story-Centered Social Justice Approach to STEM to Engage Underrepresented 7-12 Students STEM Icon
  • David Gillette (Liberal Arts & Engineering Studies)
  • Matthew Harsh (Interdisciplinary Studies, STS, CET)
  • Nicole Rivera (TRIO Educational Talent Search)
  • Yunnie Snyder (TRIO Educational Talent Search)
Register Here

12 — 2 p.m.

Activist Art Making Art Icon
  • Elizabeth Folk (Art & Design)
  • Linh Dao (Graphic Design)
  • Allison Myers (Art History)
  • Charmaine Martinez (Graphic Design)
  • Katie McCormick (Graphic Design)
Waitlist Only
Health Inequities and the COVID-19 Pandemic Self Care Icon
  • Carrie Langner (Psychology)
  • Amber Williams (Child Development)
Register Here

1 — 2 p.m.

Standing in the Gap: How Faith Shapes LGBTQ Identity & Political Development
  • R.G. Cravens (Political Science)
Register Here
Enhancing Health & Wellbeing Outreach to Latinx Students at Cal Poly Self Care Icon
  • Kari Mansager (Campus Health and Wellbeing)
  • Christine Hackman (Kinesiology)
  • Amya Alcaraz (student)
  • Fernando Gil (student)
Register Here
Planting Seeds in Red Mud:
the Case for Ethnic Studies
in Paso Robles, CA Education Icon
  • Susana A. López (Psychology)
  • Geof Land (Paso Robles High School)
  • Alisa Bredensteiner (Paso Robles High School)
  • Gaylene Ewing (Paso Robles High School)
Register Here

2 — 3 p.m.

Using Data Skills and Statistical Thinking to Investigate and Identify Social Inequalities
  • Soma Roy (Statistics)
  • Beth Chance (Statistics)
Register Here
Mindful Practices, Resilience
and Social Justice Self Care Icon
  • Diana Menendez (Counseling, Campus Health and Wellbeing)
  • Ana Cabezas (Counseling, Campus Health and Wellbeing)
Register Here
Findings and Lessons Learned from the 2020 Campus Survey on Sexual Violence Self Care Icon
  • Kara Samaniego (SAFER)
  • Christine Hackman (Kinesiology)
Register Here
"Just What is Critical Race Theory and What's it Doing in a Nice Field Like Education?" Education Icon
  • Amanda Frye
    (Liberal Studies)
Register Here

2 — 4 p.m.

STFU! Silencing Anti-AAPI Racism, Misogyny, and Xenophobia with Rina Sawayama


  • Alpen Razi (Ethnic Studies)
Waitlist Only

Teatro Campesino/Farmworkers Theatre: Lessons on Activist Theatre

  • Ramón Esquivel (Theatre and Dance)
Register Here

3 — 4 p.m.

Working Mothers in Higher Academia During the Pandemic: A Discussion of Needed Organizational Support and Coping Mechanisms
  • Megan Lambertz-Berndt (Communication Studies)
  • Anuraj Dhillon (Communication Studies)
Register Here
Research that Makes a Difference: Social Justice, Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities at Cal Poly

Panel Facilitators:

  • Allie Walter (Research, Economic Development and Graduate Education)
  • Corrin Terrones (Research, Economic Development and Graduate Education)
  • Julie Dolengewicz (Research, Economic Development and Graduate Education)
  • See full list of panelists on registration page
Register Here
Trauma-Informed Leadership: How We Emerge From the Pandemic Self Care Icon
  • Kara Samaniego (SAFER)
Register Here

4 — 5 p.m.

Anti-racist pedagogies in Architecture
  • Ana Ozaki (Architecture) )
Register Here
Centering Student Identities and Languages in the K-12 Classroom Education Icon
  • Mariana Carlon (Santa Maria Bonita School District)
  • Jesse Sanford (Guadalupe Unified School District)
  • Maria Parker (San Luis Coastal Unified School District)
  • Julee Bauer (Education)
  • Jessica Jensen (Education)
  • Briana Ronan (Education)
  • Tina Cheuk (Education)
Register Here
A Conversation on Social Justice Education In and Out of the K-12 Classroom Education Icon
  • Oscar Velasco (TIER Resident; student)
  • Manuela Cruz (TIER Resident; student)
  • Annabelle Cole (TIER Resident; student)
  • Courtney Moore (Education Dept.)
Register Here
Defining Multiracial College Students: How Mixedness is Measured in Higher Education Education Icon
  • Jacob Campbell (Advising)
Register Here
Learn by Doing Using Content Analysis: Cal Poly Students Critique Health Advice During COVID-19
  • Jafra D. Thomas (Kinesiology)
  • Mia Russo (student)
  • Calvin Wu (student)
Register Here

Building Student Authority in the Classroom- Issues of Power in Group Work Education Icon


  • Allison Theobold (Statistics)
Register Here

4 — 6 p.m.

Introduction to Disability Allyship
  • John Lee (Disability Resource Center)
  • Jennifer Ann Greiner Armstrong (Counseling Services)
Register Here

4:30 — 6 p.m.

Keynote Reception


  • Join us from 4:30 to 6 p.m. for a reception hosted by OUDI featuring Efren's tacos and beverages!
Cal Poly - Outdoor Patio, Advanced Technologies Lab (ATL)

6 — 7:30 p.m.

Keynote Lecture


Andrew Jolivette

How I Keep Looking Up:

Art and the Social Practice of Belonging and ResilienceArt Icon

  • Christine Wong Yap (visual artist and social practitioner)
Register Here
Cal Poly - Advanced Technologies Lab (ATL)
Building 7, Room 01/02

How I Keep Looking Up: Art and the Social Practice of Belonging and Resilience

from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

What is belonging? What does it mean to carry belonging with you? Can art help us be more resilient?

Christine Wong Yap (she/they) is a visual artist and social practitioner working in community engagement, drawing, printmaking, publishing, and public art. She partners with organizations to conduct participatory research projects to explore dimensions of psychological wellbeing such as belonging, resilience, interdependence, and collaboration.

Wong Yap’s work engages questions of belonging through projects that are as much social practice as they are public art. Drawing on examples from New Mexico to New York City to San Francisco Chinatown, they will share some of the lessons they have learned as an artist, highlighting how their projects have been shaped by local knowledge and positive psychology, and the steps they have taken to increase diversity, accessibility, equity, and inclusion in their projects.

2021 - 5th Annual Social Justice Teach In

5th Annual Social Justice Teach In on Thursday, Feb 11, 2021

On Thursday, Feb. 11, join the campus community for the 2021 Teach In –– a daylong series of virtual talks and workshops centered around equity and social justice designed to inform and inspire!

You will need to register for each session, and you will receive a separate email confirmation for each session. If you would like to add a session to your calendar, please scroll to that section in the confirmation email.

There are four tracks of sessions focused on specific topics. Sessions that are part of a track are marked on this schedule with an icon. You can view a full list of the sessions included in each track by selecting from the list below.

Art, Media, Storytelling, and Social Justice

public health iconPublic Health Inequities and Movements 

social justice iconRacism, Anti-Blackness, and Movements for Social Justice  

environment iconScience, Technology, and the Environment

topic and TIME presenter(s) Registration

8-9 a.m.

Utilizing DEI to Debunk Neutrality in the Classroom
  • Anu Dhillon (Communication Studies)
  • Megan Lambertz-Berndt (Communication Studies)
Click to register
Housing is Healthcare: Harm Reduction Approaches and Housing First! for People Experiencing Homelessness
  • Candace Winstead 
    (Biological Sciences)
  • Kristina Toma
Click to register
Gather ‘round – Using Virtual Book Circles to Navigate Challenging Topics and Build Community
  • Stefanee Maurice 
  • Joni Roberts (Kinesiology)
Click to register

9-10 a.m.

Introducing “Mi Gente, Nuestra Salud:” A People’s Movement for Health in Santa Maria, CA  public health icon
  • Marilyn Tseng (Kinesiology) 
  • Suzanne Phelan (Director, Center for Health Research)
  • Mario Espinoza-Kulick 
    (Ethnic Studies)
Click to register
A Restorative Justice Framework for Campus Sexual Harm
  • Sara Wilson
    (Advocate, Safer)
  • Ashlee Hernandez (Department of Justice Grant Project Coordinator) 
  • Vivien Devaney-Frice
    (In Custody and Programs Director, Restorative Partners)
  • Ginny Jenkins
    (Restorative Justice Educator, Restorative Partners)
Click to register
The Granville Institute: An astronomy bootcamp where diversity and technical training go hand in hand icon environment
  • Louise Edwards (Physics)
Click to register
Organizational Strategies to Create Inclusive Organizations
  • Joan Meyers (Sociology)
Click to register
Climate change, social justice, and the search for solutions: A new hope? icon environment
  • Ben Ruttenberg 
    (Biological Sciences)
Click to register

9-11 a.m.

The Tragicomic Fanon: Black Laughter and the Tragedy of Anticolonial Violence icon social justice
  • Alpen Razi 
    (Ethnic Studies)
Click to register

10-11 a.m.

poly publishing: The “Why Not” Program to Publish 
  • jaime ding 
    Kennedy Library)
Click to register
Transgender People of Color: Understanding multiple minority stress, health disparities, and community resilience icon public health
  • Jay Bettergarcia 
Click to register
Unruly Women: Framing Female Celebrities as Fascinating and Repulsive icon art
  • Emily Ryalls (Interdisciplinary Studies in the Liberal Arts)
  • Megan Lambertz-Berndt (Communication Studies)
Click to register
Affirmative Action as Social Justice: Understanding its purpose & controversies
  • Jess Lee (Sociology)
Click to register
"Georgia Elections, The Riot, and Race: An Exam of the Events of 1/6/21" icon social justice
  • Denise Isom
    (Office of University Diversity and Inclusion) 
  • Amber Williams 
    (Child Development) 
  • Thanayi Jackson (History)
Click to register
Integrating Social Justice into Engineering Statics Problem Solving icon environment
  • Ben Lutz (Mechanical Engineering)
Click to register

10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Somos Esenciales: Farmworker and Indigenous Health Video, Gallery and Discussion by Corazón del Pueblo Cultural and Creative Arts Center of the Santa Maria Valley icon public health
  • Leo Ortega
  • Viviana Hall
  • Alex Espinoza-Kulick  
  • Mario Espinoza-Kulick 
    (Ethnic Studies)
Click to register

11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Central Coast Snapshots: A Community Collective Gathering Stories From Historically Silenced Communities icon art
  • Grace Yeh (Ethnic Studies)
  • Catherine Trujillo
    (Kennedy Library)
  • jaime ding
    (Kennedy Library)
  • Laura Sorvetti 
    (Kennedy Library)
  • Shanae Aurora Martinez 
Click to register
Introduction to Disability Allyship
  • John Lee
    (Disability Resource Center)
  • Danielle Johnson
    (Disability Resource Center)
  • Laura Hunkler
    (Career Services)
Click to register
Black & Indigenous Futurity: World-Making Our Way Home icon social justice 
  • Jenell Navarro
    (Ethnic Studies)
  • Thanayi Jackson (History)
Click to register
Easy to Exclude: The Safety Vest and Construction Industry Norms icon environment
  • Stacy Kolegraff 
    (Construction Management)
Click to register
The City of SLO's Diversity Taskforce: Town/Gown Joint Diversity Efforts icon social justice
  • Denise Isom
    (Office of University Diversity and Inclusion)
  • Beya Makekau
    (Director of Student Diversity and Belonging)
  • Erica A. Stewart
    (Vice Mayor SLO City Council)
  • Amman Asfaw (Student)
Click to register
Diversity Equity & Inclusion: Moving beyond race
  • Joni Roberts (Kinesiology) 
  • Stefanee Maurice (Kinesiology)
Click to register
@ShadesofCalPoly and @CalPolyStories: Exploring COVID-19 Racism Against Asian Americans and the Perpetual Foreigner Stereotype at Cal Poly
  • Jean Williams
    (Political Science) 
  • Lauren Tankeh
    (Research Assistant) 
  • Desiree Nunes 
    (Research Assistant)
Click to register

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Racial Justice as a Global Struggle: Why International Learning is Essential for Transnational Solidarities icon social justice
  • Farah Al-Nakib (History)
  • Andrea Oñate-Madrazo 
Click to register

12-1 p.m.

Workshop: Creating and Disseminating Multilingual Information for Positive Health icon public health
  • Mario Espinoza-Kulick
    Ethnic Studies)
Click to register
Improving Gender and Power Based Violence Campus Climate: Be That Mustang Social Marketing as an Example
  • Christine Hackman (Kinesiology)
  • Ashlee Hernandez (Safer)
Click to register
Chat n' Chew Session: “Another Slave Narrative” icon social justice
  • Thanayi Jackson (History)
  • Deb Donig (English)
Click to register

12-2 p.m.

Foundations of Gender & Sexuality icon environment
  • Samuel Byrd
    (Lead Coordinator for LGBTQ Campus Life)
Click to register

1-2 p.m.

Axes of Antisemitism: Our History & Our Horizons - a discussion with Two Rabbis 
  • Rabbi Micah Hyman 
  • Rabbi Chaim Hilel (Chabad of SLO and Cal Poly)
  • Shawnna Eberhard-Smith (Fraternity and Sorority Life)
  • Kanani Makekau (Fraternity and Sorority Life)
Click to register
Media Representations of the Trans* Community: A Discussion of the Film Disclosure icon art
  • Steven Ruszczycky (English)
  • Emily Ryalls (Interdisciplinary Studies in the Liberal Arts)
  • Elizabeth Adan
    Art and Design/ Women's and Gender Studies)
Click to register
Examining the Triple Pandemic: COVID-19, Interpersonal Violence & Systemic Racism icon environment
  • Gillian Cutshaw
    (Safer Campus Advocate)
  • Jennifer MacMartin 
    (Safer Prevention Specialist for Gender-Based Violence Initiatives)
Click to register
Latinx Immigrant Health Inequities in San Luis Obispo: Findings and Recommendations for Health Equity and Policy
  • Mario Espinoza-Kulick
    Ethnic Studies
  • Elisa González
    (Research Assistant) 
  • Jodie Takahashi
Click to register
On the field and in the booth: Experiences of women making the calls in sport
  • Stefanee Maurice (Kinesiology) 
  • Megan Lambertz-Berndt (Communication Studies)
Click to register
Restrictions Apply : a short documentary on racism and the Happiest City in North America icon social justice
  • Courtney Haile
    (RACE Matters) 
  • Alpen Razi (Ethnic Studies)
  • Jaime Lewis
    (Freelance Journalist)
Click to register

1-3 p.m.

Teatro Campesino/Farmworkers Theatre: Lessons on Activist Theatre icon social justice  icon art
  • Ramon Esquivel 
    (Theatre and Dance)
Click to register

2-3 p.m.

Menstrual Health Management in Low resource countries icon public health icon environment
  • Joni Roberts (Kinesiology
Click to register
Project Biodiversify: Methods for diverse, inclusive, and effective teaching in biology icon environment
  • Gita Kolluru 
    (Biological Sciences)
  • Ash Zemenick
Click to register
Tsuru Rising: Fighting for Justice in the Age of COVID-19 icon art
  • Lisa Kawamura 
    (Communication Studies)
Click to register
Womxn and Infants Mobile Health: Reducing Health Disparities in the Central Coast icon public health
  • Suzanne Phelan (Director, Center for Health Research)
  • Cristina Macedo
    (Mobile Health Unit Coordinator) 
  • Anita Kelleher 
    (Research Assistant) 
  • Karen Muñoz-Christian (Chair, World Languages and Cultures)
  • Mario Espinoza-Kulick 
    (Ethnic Studies)
Click to register
Art and Social Change icon art
  • Elizabeth Folk 
    (Art and Design)
Click to register

2-4 p.m.

The "Why" and "DIY" of Video Captioning
  • John Lee (Disability Resource Center) 
  • Lori Waters (Disability Resource Center)
Click to register

3-4 p.m.

Downstream Determinants of COVID-19 in the Central Coast: Findings from a Regional Health Needs and Assets Survey and the Womxn and Infants Mobile Health Unit icon public health
  • Marilyn Tseng (Kinesiology)
  • Mario Espinoza-Kulick 
    (Ethnic Studies)
Click to register
Culturally responsive Maker education: Harnessing the Maker movement to solve today’s real-world problems icon environment
  • Kelly Bennion (Psychology) 
  • Tom Bensky (Physics) 
  • Lauren Cooper
    (Mechanical Engineering) 
  • Chance Hoellwarth (Education) 
  • Jessica Jensen (Education) 
  • Jane Lehr (Office of Student Research Director)
  • Matt Moelter (Physics) 
  • Jasmine Nation
    (Liberal Studies) 
  • Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti (CLA Associate Dean for Diversity and Curriculum) 
  • K-12 educators
Click to register
Race, Disability, and Survivorship: Barriers to Disclosure and Strategies for Community Care
  • Bailey Hamblin
    (Disability Resource Center)
  • Ashlee Hernandez (Safer)
Click to register
Understanding (White) Privilege and Dismantling Oppressive Systems: A Hands-On Approach
  • Leslie Nelson (Communication Studies)
Click to register
Teaching for Justice, Teaching for Change in K-12 Schools
  • Briana Ronan (Education)
  • Jess Jensen (Education)
  • Julee Bauer (Education) 
  • panel of K-12 Social Justice Educators
Click to register

4 to 5:30 p.m.

Keynote Lecture


Andrew Jolivette

Black Lives, Indigenous Lives:

From Mattering to Thriving

  • Dr. Andrew Jolivette
Click to register

Black Lives, Indigenous Lives: From Mattering to Thriving 

from 4 to 5:30 p.m.

What can we learn from Black and Indigenous history, activism, and contemporary stewardship efforts in order to transform higher education, health, policing and other Western institutions?

This dialogue will examine and discuss major points of cultural and historic community convergence between Black and Indigenous Peoples with a focus on contemporary movements such as Black Lives Matter and Idle No More and the dismantling of racist statues, images and mascots. Andrew Jolivétte will explore what these movements mean for enacting justice interventions and moving towards thrivance circuitry, kinship building, self-determination, and abolition as transformational modes of joy production and ceremonial stewardship.

Dr. Andrew Jolivétte (Atakapa-Ishak Nation of Louisiana [Tsikip/Opelousa/Heron Clan]) is professor and chair of the Ethnic Studies Department at the University of California, San Diego as well as the inaugural founding Director of Native American and Indigenous Studies at UCSD. A former professor and department chair of American Indian Studies at San Francisco State University, he is the author or editor of nine books in print or forthcoming including the Lammy Award nominated, "Indian Blood: HIV and Colonial Trauma in San Francisco’s Two-Spirit Community." His scholarship examines Native American, Indigenous, Creole, Black, Latinx, Queer, Mixed-Race, and Comparative Critical Ethnic Studies. Jolivétte is the 2020-21 MultiRacial Network Scholar in Residence for the American Personnel Association and the Series Editor of Black Indigenous Futures and Speculations at Routledge. His current book project, "Thrivance Circuitry: Queer Afro-Indigenous Futurity and Kinship," is under contract with the University of Washington Press.

In case you missed it, the keynote lecture is now available on YouTube! 

2020 - 4th Annual Teach In

Inclusion Starts with Me Teach In Schedule logo

Spring 2020's Teach In will take a virtual format. Find the schedule here. 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Join the campus community for a daylong series of talks and workshops centered around equity and social justice designed to inform and inspire!  

Download an accessible schedule of Teach In events. 

Download the 11"x17" poster of Teach In events.

topic and TIME presenter(s) LOCATION

8-9 a.m.

Mobile Health: Bringing Medical and Preventive Healthcare to Underserved Populations in Our Region
  • Suzanne Phelan (Kinesiology)
  • Cristina Macedo (Center for Health Research)
  • Anita Kelleher (Center for Health Research)
  • Karen Munoz-Christian (World Languages and Cultures)
Bldg. 33, Rm. 286
Class Behind Bars: Co-Education with the Women in San Luis Obispo County Jail
  • Ryan Alaniz (Social Sciences)
  • Sociology students
Bldg. 6, Rm. 124 (Phillips Hall)
1619 - Introduction to the 1619 Project: Black Life and Culture
  • Denise Isom (Ethnic Studies)
Bldg. 35 (Kennedy Library), Rm. 209 (CTLT)

9-10 a.m.

An Indifference to Difference: Realistic (yet Optimistic) Approaches to Dealing with Diversity in the Modern City
  • Farah Al-Nakib (History)
Bldg. 26, Rm. 221
Activating Asian American Students at a Primarily White Institution (PWI)
  • Lilianne Tang (Cross Cultural Centers)
  • Olivia Tran (Cross Cultural Centers)
Bldg. 35 (Kennedy Library), Rm. 511
Perspectives from Cal Poly's Multiracial Community
  • Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti (CLA Associate Dean for Diversity and Curriculum)
  • Kari Mansager (University Housing)
  • Roberta Wolfson (English)
  • Jay Bettergarcia (Psychology)
  • Alyiah Gonzales (Multicultural Center) 
Bldg. 7 (ATL), Rm. 2

9-11 a.m.

Who Are You? Owning and Presenting Your Privileged Identities
  • Emily Ryalls (Interdisciplinary Studies in the Liberal Arts)
  • Megan Lambertz-Berndt (Communication Studies)
Bldg. 22, Rm. 314
Equitable Teaching Practices in College STEM Courses Workshop
  • Stan Yoshinobu (Mathematics)
Bldg. 38, Rm. 114
1619 - Family Separation Since 1492
  • Jenell Navarro (Ethnic Studies)
  • Blanca Martinez-Navarro (Dean of Students Office)
  • Grace Yeh (Ethnic Studies)
  • Denise Isom (Ethnic Studies)
Bldg. 35 (Kennedy Library), Rm. 209 (CTLT)

10-11 a.m.

Our OWN: An Analysis of Inclusion in Feminist Media and Spaces
  • Katie Ettl (Cross Cultural Centers)
Bldg. 10, Rm. 126
Cal Poly Privilege: Investigating Our Campus Demographics
  • Sara Lopus (Social Sciences)
  • Katya Vasilaky (Economics)
  • Jacqueline Doremus (Economics)
Bldg. 7 (ATL), Rm. 2
Designing for Everyone: Adopting an Inclusive Design Approach at Cal Poly and Beyond
  • John Lee (Disability Resource Center)
  • Lauren Cooper (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Brian Self (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Kevin Taylor (Kinesiology) 
Bldg. 26, Rm. 221

11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Social, Economic, and Health Inequities: Implications for a Tobacco-free California (part of the Center for Health Research Seminar Series)
  • Valerie Yerger (UCSF) 
Bldg. 3, Rm. 213

11 a.m.-1 p.m.

1619 - Black Humor as Expressions of Social Critique and Radical Cultural Joy
  • Denise Isom (Ethnic Studies) 
  • Amber Williams (Psychology)
Bldg. 38, Rm. 114

11:30-1 p.m.

Art and Activism: How to Use Art for Social Justice
  • Anna Ríos-Rojas (Susan Currier Visiting Professor and Assoc. Professor in the Department of Education Studies at Colgate University)
Bldg. 124, Rm. 117

12-1 p.m.

Using Wikipedia to Teach Queer Politics 
  • R.G. Cravens (Political Science)
Bldg. 21, Rm. 235
Just Leisure: The Past, Present, and Future of the Intersection of Social Justice and “Free Time”
  • Jerusha Greenwood (Experience Industry Management)
  • Marni Goldenberg (Experience Industry Management)
  • Others TBA
Bldg. 10, Rm. 111
Harm Reduction Where it’s Needed Most: Establishing Overdose Prevention Programs for People in the County Jail
  • Candace Winstead (Biological Sciences)
  • Jail overdose prevention student/alumni volunteers
Bldg. 53, Rm. 206
Five Figures: Examining the Lives of Five Historical African American Men and How Their Contributions to Culture and Thought Changed America
  • Louel Ibe (Men & Masculinities) 
Bldg. 5, Rm. 104

12-2 p.m.

1619 - The 400-Year Anniversary of American Slavery - Session I (Research in African Chattel Slavery and its Legacies)
  • Alpen Razi (Ethnic Studies)
  • Others TBA
Bldg. 35 (Kennedy Library), Rm. 209 (CTLT)
Art and Activism (Screenprinting, button and poster making, tsuru making, and activist art slideshow)
  • Elizabeth Folk (Art and Design)
  • Lisa Kawamura (Communication Studies)
  • Art and Design students
Bldg. 34, Rm. 128
Building White Allyship in the Classroom: How to Address Campus Bias Incidents
  • Carrie Langner (Psychology & Child Development)
  • Megan Lambertz-Berndt (Communication Studies)
  • Emily Ryalls (Interdisciplinary Studies in the Liberal Arts)
Bldg. 186, Rm. C101

1-2 p.m.

Trans 101
  • Ednie Garrison (Women's and Gender Studies)
  • WGS 302-2 students
Bldg. 5, Rm. 104
From Disability Rights to Disability Justice: Access, Inclusion and Intersectionality  
  • John Lee (Disability Resource Center)
  • Bailey Hamblin (Disability Resource Center)
Bldg. 124, Rm. 117
The Environmental Movement Was Once a Social Justice Movement and It Will be Again 
  • Kari Mansager (University Housing)
  • Kylee Singh (Sustainability) 
Bldg. 38, Rm. 114
Love, Empathy and Respect in Engineering? A Workshop to Develop Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statements in All Disciplines
  • Lynne Slivosky (Electrical Engineering) 
  • Eric Mehiel (CENG Associate Dean for Diversity and Student Success)
  • Jane Lehr (Ethnic Studies and Women's and Gender Studies) 
  • Sarah Macdonald (CTLT)
  • Louise Ibuna (Software Engineering student)
  • Taylor Klein (Mechanical Engineering student)
  • Andrea Leal (Civil Engineering student)
  • Gabriel Medina-Kim (Computer Science student)
  • Julia Ryan (Industrial Engineering student)
Bldg. 22, Rm. 313

2-3 p.m.

Trash in Sight: Digging Through Systems of Value within Valueless Things Through a History of NYC Trash 
  • Jaime Ding (Kennedy Library) 
Bldg. 35 (Kennedy Library), Rm. 511
Claiming Our Education: The Critical SWANA Studies Theorizing Self-Directed Course at Cal Poly  
  • Mustafa Siddiqui (Critical SWANA Studies Theorizing)
  • Nadeen Eliyan Critical SWANA Studies Theorizing)
  • Daria Majlessi Critical SWANA Studies Theorizing)
  • Zoha Qader Critical SWANA Studies Theorizing)
  • Jane Lehr (Ethnic Studies and Women's and Gender Studies) 
Bldg. 38, Rm. 114
Homelessness in California: Poverty, Privilege and the Housing Crisis
  • Jean Williams (Political Science)
Bldg. 52, Rm. E27

2-4 p.m.

1619 - The 400-Year Anniversary of American Slavery - Session II (Teaching African Chattel Slavery and its Legacies) 
  • Alpen Razi (Ethnic Studies)
  • Roundtable discussants TBA
Bldg. 35 (Kennedy Library), Rm. 209 (CTLT)
Criminal Reentry Simulation: : Understanding the Criminal Reentry Process and Recidivism through Experiential Learning
  • Kylie Parrotta (Social Sciences) 
Bldg. 43 (MAC), Rm. 170
Tsuru for Solidarity: History Repeats Itself - An examination of Japanese American Activism and the Current Concentration Camps in the USA
  • Lisa Kawamura (Communication Studies)
  • Others TBA
Bldg. 10, Rm. 115

3-4 p.m.

Let's Talk About Sex: What Do Biologists Have to Say About Sex and Gender?
  • Christy Strand (Biological Sciences)
  • Sandi Clement (Biological Sciences)
Bldg. 52, Rm. E27
Does Size Really Matter? Debilitating Discourses of Size and Health
  • Kati Fosselius (Food Science and Nutrition) 
  • Andrea Terry (Communication Studies)
Bldg. 35 (Kennedy Library), Rm. 511
Cultivating Belonging with Student Groups
  • Ann De Lay (Agricultural Education and Communication)
  • Robert Flores (Agricultural Education and Communication)
Bldg. 38, Rm. 114

4-5 p.m.

Inclusive Language in Spanish: Latinx/Latine as Expressions of Social Change
  • Silvia Marijuan (World Languages and Cultures)
  • Scott Ferree (World Languages and Cultures)
  • Louel De Leon Ibe (World Languages and Cultures)
  • Martha Galvan Mandujano (World Languages and Cultures)
Bldg. 10, Rm. 128
Mobilizing Under Threat: Latinx Immigrant Health Advocacy on California's Central Coast
  • Mario Espinoza-Kulick (Ethnic Studies)
Bldg. 2, Rm. 213
1619 - Podcast and Discussion
  • Thanayi Jackson (History)
  • Denise Isom (Ethnic Studies)
Bldg. 35 (Kennedy Library), Rm. 209 (CTLT)

6:10-8:30 p.m.

Susan Currier Visiting Professor Lecture 
Pedagogies of the Broken-Hearted: Notes on a Pedagogy of Breakage, Women of Color Feminist Decolonial Movidas and Armed Love in the Classroom/Academy. A reception will follow the talk.  
  • Anna Ríos-Rojas (Susan Currier Visiting Professor and Assoc. Professor in the Department of Education Studies at Colgate University)
Pavilion, Performing Arts Center

2019 - 3rd Annual Teach In

Inclusion Starts with Me Teach In Schedule logo

As part of the university’s continuous commitment to diversity and inclusion, we are pleased to announce the third Inclusion Starts with Me Teach In on Thursday, February 21, 2019 from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. This event is open to the campus community and will feature several Cal Poly educators.

The Inclusion Starts with Me Teach In is a partnership with the College of Liberal Arts, the Office of University Diversity & Inclusion (OUDI), and Academic Affairs. 

Teach In Schedule

Download a printable schedule of Teach In events. 

topic and TIME presenter(s) LOCATION

8-9 a.m.

Learning from Inmates: Lessons about life and society from inside the SLO county jail
  • Ryan Alaniz (Social Sciences)
  • Students
Bldg. 33, Rm. 286

9-10 a.m.

The Social Construction of Race: Reflections from the Cal Poly Multiracial Community
  • Roberta Wolfson (English)
  • Maggie Bodemer (History)
  • Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti (CLA Associate Dean for Diversity & Curriculum)
  • Kari Mansager (OUDI)
  • Alyiah Gonzales (Cross Cultural Centers)
CTLT, Bldg. 35, Rm. 209

9-11 a.m.

Your Future in Social Justice: Career & Graduate School Pathways Workshop
  • Jane Lehr (Women's & Gender Studies)
ATL, Bldg. 7

10-11 a.m.

Shamans in the ER: stories of refugee health
  • Kim Lisagor Bisheff (Journalism)
  • Marilyn Tseng (Kinesiology) 
  • Katya Cengel (Journalism)
CTLT, Bldg. 35, Rm. 209
Modern Representations of Blackness in Television’s Latest Golden Age
  • Amber Williams (Psychology & Child Development)
  • Bryan Hubain (Cross Cultural Centers)
  • Denise Isom (Ethnic Studies)
Bldg. 38, Rm. 114
Listen to the Youth! Black and Latino Male High School Students Describe Culturally Sustaining Teaching
  • Oscar Navarro (Education)
Bldg. 2, Rm. 101

11 a.m.-12 p.m. UU Hour

Artivism = Art as Activism
  • ASI Diversity & Inclusion Committee
UU Plaza
Accessible Learning Spaces: Addressing Mobility and Visual Access Needs (Part of Disability Tapas Workshop Series)
  • John Lee (Disability Resource Center)
  • Logan Duarte (Disability Resource Center)
Bldg. 38, Rm. 218
The Art and Science of Bringing Imagined Worlds to Life (Part of the College of Engineering's Dean's Diversity Speaker Series)
  • Danielle Feinberg (Pixar)
ATL, Bldg. 7
The Impact of Legacy: How Fraternity Culture Generationally Shapes Concepts and Expressions of Masculinity, A Healthy Masculinities Panel Discussion
  • Jamie Patton ( Student Affairs AVP for Diversity & Inclusion)
  • Michael Eberhard ("With Us" Program Coordinator)
  • Nick Bilich (Men & Masculinity Program Coordinator)
Bldg. 3, Rm. 213

12-1 p.m.

UndocuJoy: Shifting the Narrative of Undocumented Students
  • Katherine Zevallos Pastor (Dream Center)
  • Dream Center Staff
Bldg. 52, Rm. E29
Genetic Ancestry, Intelligence, and Milk: Debunking the Myth of Biological Race
  • Sandi Clement (Biological Sciences)
  • Marilyn Tseng (Kinesiology)
CTLT, Bldg. 35, Rm. 209
Claiming Our Education: The Critical Trans of Color Theorizing Self-Directed Course at Cal Poly
  • Carlos Gomez and CTOCT students
  • Mustafa Siddiqui, Alvin Rios, Gianna Bissa and Francisco Gaspar with Jane Lehr (Women's and Gender Studies)
  • Elizabeth Adan (Art and Design)
ATL, Bldg. 7

12-1:30 p.m.

Cal Poly Privilege: Analyzing and interpreting our campus demographics
  • Sara Lopus (Social Sciences)
Bldg. 26, Rm. 110

12-2 p.m.

Tools for Activism from Social Psychology
  • Julie Garcia (Interim Associate VP for Diversity & Inclusion, OUDI)
  • Carrie Langner (Psychology & Child Development)
Bldg. 10, Rm. 223
Working Toward Allyship
  • Joan Meyers (Social Sciences)
  • Megan Lambertz-Berndt (Communication Studies)
Bldg. 21, Rm. 236
Gender and the Courts in the US
  • Jennifer Denbow (Political Science)
  • Nancy Arrington (Political Science)
Bldg. 10, Rm. 222

1-2 p.m.

Crazy Rich Asians Discussion: Asian American Representation in Film and Popular Culture
  • Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti (CLA Associate Dean for Diversity & Curriculum)
  • Grace Yeh (Ethnic Studies)
  • Lisa Kawamura (Communication Studies)
  • Roberta Wolfson (English)
  • Nisa Morey (Chemistry)
ATL, Bldg. 7
Science, uncertainty, ‘fake news,’ and public policy: how can scientific knowledge inform policymaking in an age of hyperpartisanship
  • Benjamin Ruttenberg (Biological Sciences)
CTLT, Bldg. 35, Rm. 209
Meeting people where they are, but not leaving them there: Harm reduction solutions to the opioid epidemic 
  • Candace Winstead (Biological Sciences)
  • Christine Hackman (Kinesiology)
  • Students
Bldg. 38, Rm. 114

2-3 p.m.

Exposing the Controversial Political History of the Biological Sciences for the 21st Century
  • Shelley Hurt (Political Science)
  • Sarah Bridger (History)
  • Sandi Clement (Biological Sciences)
Bldg. 10, Rm. 200
College Disability Communities and the #MeToo Movement
  • Kara Samaniego (SAFER)
  • Christine Hackman (Kinesiology)
  • Bailey Hamblin (Parent & Family Programs)
Bldg. 20, Rm. 129
Bringing the ACPA Land Acknowledgement to Life: yakʔitʸutʸu 
  • Bryan Hubain (Cross Cultural Centers)
  • Juliette Duke (University Housing)
  • Jo Campbell (University Housing)
CTLT, Bldg. 35, Rm. 209

2-4 p.m.

Privilege Museum
  • Emily Ryalls (Communication Studies)
  • Megan Lambertz-Berndt (Communication Studies)
Bldg. 2, Rm. 113

2-4:30 p.m.

Monsters and Men Film and Discussion
  • Unique Shaw-Smith (Social Sciences)
ATL, Bldg. 7

3-4 p.m.

Transgender & Non-binary Inclusion: #wontbeearased
  • Jay Bettergarcia (Psychology & Child Development)
Bldg. 20, Rm. 129
National Culture and Supply Chain Management: Diversity in Global Business Environment
  • Ahmed Deif (Business)
CTLT, Bldg. 35, Rm. 209
Socialism, Solidarity, and the Politics of Identity
  • Martin Battle (Political Science)
  • Coleen Carrigan (Social Sciences)
Bldg. 10, Rm. 200

3-5 p.m.

CinemAbility: The Art of Inclusion Film and Discussion 
  • John Lee (Disability Resource Center)
  • Bailey Hamblin (Parent & Family Programs)
Bldg. 52, Rm. E29

4-5 p.m.

STEM Participation in Underrepresented Groups: Current Climate and Future Solutions 
  • Kelly Bennion (Psychology & Child Development)
  • Louise Edward (Physics)
CTLT, Bldg. 35, Rm. 209
Does Size Really Matter? Debilitating Discourses of Size and Health
  • Andrea Terry (Communication Studies)
  • Kati Fosselius (Food Science & Nutrition)
Bldg. 38, Rm. 114
Cluster Hiring and Organizational Diversity: A Report from the First Year
  • Farah Basel Al-Nakib (History)
  • Jay Bettergarcia (Psychology & Child Development)
  • Joan Meyers (Social Sciences)
  • Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti (CLA Associate Dean for Diversity & Curriculum)
  • Emily Ryalls (Communication Studies)
  • Amber Williams (Psychology & Child Development)
  • Roberta Wolfson (English)
Bldg. 21, Rm. 238
Mock Spanish and Intercultural Sensitivity: Problematizing “No problemo”
  • Silvia Marijuan (World Languages & Cultures)
  • Scott Ferree (World Languages & Cultures)
Bldg. 10, Rm. 128

4-5:30 p.m.

'The Bystander Moment': Transforming Rape Culture at Its Roots film and discussion
  • Lizzie Lamoree (Ethnic Studies) 
  • Kara Samaniego (SAFER)
Bldg. 124, Rm. 117

5-6 p.m.

Let's Talk about Sex! What do biologists have to say about sex and gender?
  • Christy Strand (Biological Sciences)
  • Emily Taylor (Biological Sciences)
  • Gita Kolluru (Biological Sciences)
  • Jean Davidson (Biological Sciences)
  • Sandi Clement (Biological Sciences)
CTLT, Bldg. 35, Rm. 209

6:10-7:45 p.m.

CLA Speaks: From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation
  • Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (Asst. Professor in the African American Studies Department at Princeton University)
Miossi Hall, Performing Arts Center

Faculty & Staff Book Circle: From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation

From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation book coverAs part of the 2019 Inclusion Starts with Me Teach In and CLA Speaks, Dr. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, the author of From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation, will speak on campus on February 21, 2019. This Book Circle will consist of three meetings where participants will have the opportunity to discuss Dr. Taylor's book, as well as an additional meeting after Dr. Taylor's visit.

From Haymarket Books: "The eruption of mass protests in the wake of the police murders of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Garner in New York City have challenged the impunity with which officers of the law carry out violence against Black people and punctured the illusion of a postracial America. The Black Lives Matter movement has awakened a new generation of activists. In this stirring and insightful analysis, activist and scholar Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor surveys the historical and contemporary ravages of racism and persistence of structural inequality such as mass incarceration and Black unemployment. In this context, she argues that this new struggle against police violence holds the potential to reignite a broader push for Black liberation."

Meeting time/dates: 3-4 p.m. Wednesdays on Jan 30, Feb 6, Feb 13, and Feb 27

Facilitators: Sarah Macdonald (CTLT) and Unique Shaw-Smith (Social Sciences)


2018 - 2nd Annual Teach In

2017 - Unite Cal Poly Event

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