Brady Teufel Recognized as Journalism Educator of the Year
The California Journalism & Media Affiliates recently named Brady Teufel, Cal Poly Journalism Department assistant chair and associate professor, as the 2018 Journalism Educator of the Year — 4-Year Division. The award recognizes leadership and support that goes beyond the journalism program and has impact across campus, community and local or regional associations.
Paul Bittick (right), a previous Educator of the Year
honoree, presented the California
Journalism & Media Affiliates’ 2018
Journalism Educator of the Year – 4-Year Division
award to his Cal Poly colleague Brady Teufel (left)
during the California College Media Association
Awards Banquet on Saturday, March 3 in Long Beach.
(Photo by Joe Wirt/CNPA Services Inc.)
This is the second consecutive year the award was presented to an educator in the Cal Poly Journalism Department. Paul Bittick, Cal Poly’s Mustang Media Group general manager, was the 2017 honoree.
“Brady has been integral to Cal Poly’s student media evolution into an integrated Mustang News operation,” said Cal Poly Journalism Department Chair Mary Glick. “This includes the development of a new capstone course that requires students to produce stories across all platforms — print, digital and video — so students from print, broadcast and public relations all leave Cal Poly’s program with valuable knowledge needed in today’s media market.”
A San Luis Obispo native, Teufel joined the Cal Poly Journalism Department in 2006. Teufel's work experience includes stints as a reporter, photojournalist, graphic designer, web designer and social media consultant. His teaching interests span from writing and photography, to coding and drones.
“Brady has been a tireless and enthusiastic mentor and guide to students working in multimedia on Mustang News. He can frequently be found in the newsroom, sitting side by side with students, reviewing work on the screen, coaching, probing and generally nudging students to do their best work,” added Glick.
Bittick presented the plaque to his Cal Poly colleague at the California College Media Association awards banquet on March 3 in Long Beach. Previous educators of the year nominate current contenders for awards at the university, community college and high school level. The awards are funded by the California Press Foundation.