
Cal Poly CLA News

The latest online edition of CLA's Impact Magazine

Share Your Stories

College of Liberal Arts Student Stories

We love to hear about what has made your time at Cal Poly, specifically in the College of Liberal Arts, so special! It is our goal to celebrate the lives and achievements of all our students and the contributions you make to Cal Poly. 

We invite you to share your stories for an opportunity to be featured in Impact magazineThe Link Newsletter and CLA's social media platforms. 

Share your story through the simple form below. 

Stories We'd Love to Hear About

Summer Activities

We want to know what you did this summer! Are you a first-year student that packed to move into the dorms? Are you a fourth-year that researched for your senior project? Did you travel to exciting places? Tell us how you spent your summer.  

Study Abroad

Have you studied abroad while attending Cal Poly? The CLA wants to hear about your international education experiences and how you Learn by Going. 


Have you had an interesting internship? Whether you worked for a small non-profit or got an inside look at a large tech company, the CLA wants to hear about your internship experiences. 


Your contact information
Your Story
Your Time at Calpoly

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