
Cal Poly CLA News

The latest online edition of CLA's Impact Magazine

Brady Teufel appointed new Journalism Chair and Christy Chand appointed new Theatre and Dance Chair

By Sophia Lincoln

America Romero
Brady Teufel

On March 1, it was announced that Brady Teufel was appointed as the new chair of the Journalism Department and Christy Chand was appointed as the new chair of the Theatre and Dance Department.

Teufel, who will be replacing former Journalism Chair Mary Glick, teaches courses in multimedia journalism and is the advisor for Cal Poly’s award-winning student-run newspaper, Mustang News.

Teufel was also awarded the Journalism Educator of the Year award by the California Journalism and Media Affiliates in 2018.



Chand started a position as interim chair of the Theatre and Dance Department in January. In September, she will begin her position as the official chair.

America Romero
Christy Chand

Chand is also the director of Cal Poly Orchesis Dance Company and she has directed numerous Cal Poly dance productions, including the most recent virtual show, Floor Plan.  

Both chairs will start their three-year terms this September.

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