Weekly Announcements Feb. 22-26
News & Announcements
Facilitators Sought for Body Image Workshops
Counseling Service is seeking faculty, staff and student applications for The Body Project Collaborative. This national initiative focuses on improving body positivity on college campuses. Volunteers are sought to facilitate these workshops. A mandatory two-day training will take place April 16 and 17 in the Health Center (Bldg. 27). Training is free and breakfast and lunch will be provided. Leadership roles will begin Fall 2016. For more information, contact Sarah Park at spark69@calpoly.edu.
Open House T-shirt Design Competition
Students – design a T-shirt for the CLA print-your-own-shirt activity at Open House in April. The winner will receive a prize of $300! Submit a one-color design that appeals to both incoming students and alumni. Design for an 8 x 10 inch space. Submit a low-resolution version of your design to cla@calpoly.edu by Friday, March 18. Include “T-shirt Design” in the subject line. If your design is chosen, you will need to provide a vector image for reproduction. A committee of CLA representatives will choose the winner, and you will be notified by Friday, March 25.
Learn by Doing Scholar Award Application Period Opens Today
The Learn by Doing Scholar Award application period will be open from Feb. 22 through March 21. The unique faculty award celebrates outstanding contributions to Learn by Doing. The award recognizes both a published work and a work in progress with awards of $2,000 and $1,000 respectively. The recipients are selected by a committee of tenured faculty representing every college and is administered by Kennedy Library. Tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty may apply. For more information, visit the Kennedy Library Website.
National Engineers Week
Feb. 22-27
All majors at Cal Poly are invited to join Engineering Student Council at eWeek where they can enjoy free food and a chance to win some cool prizes! Engineering Week prizes include BB-8 by Sphero, Apple TV, 3-D Printing Pen, Chromecast, and more!
Tim Minchin (Cal Poly Arts)
7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24
Cohan Center (Bldg. 6)
See Australian musical comedian Tim Minchin, in person. He’s famous for writing the score for the Tony Award-winning Broadway hit “Matilda” Learn More.
Transcendental Meditation
11 a.m. – noon Thursday, Feb. 25
Science (Bldg. 52), Room E27
This talk, given by Tulsi Bagnoli, will introduce Transcendental Meditation and demonstrate its relevance to the modern world. Bagnoli earned her M.A. in Vedic Science and has been practicing Transcendental Meditation since she was four years old.
The History of Alchemy
11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25
Kennedy Library (Bldg. 35), Café Lounge, 2nd Floor
Alpha Chi Sigma and Dr. Zahra Alghoul will present a discussion on the history of alchemy, focusing on Ancient Egypt. Refreshments will be provided. For more information, contact Jeanine Scaramozzino at 805-756-5677 or by email at jscaramo@calpoly.edu.
Palestine Cultural Day
Thursday, Feb. 25
11 a.m. – noon at the UU Plaza
Food, music, decorations and educational booths.
7-9 p.m. in Chumash Auditorium
Poet, writer and organizer Remi Kanazi will perform.
Thesis Coaching Clinic
3-8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25
Kennedy Library (Bldg. 35), Room 303
This clinic is for graduate students from all disciplines at any stage of the thesis process. Sessions are typically 30-60 minutes long.
Arthur Miller’s ‘The Crucible’ Opens This Week
8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25 – Saturday, Feb. 27
Spanos Theatre (Bldg. 44)
The Theatre and Dance Department will open their run of Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible”. This classic American play centering around the Salem Witch Trials considers a community divided and the pursuit of individual integrity within a landscape of compromise. Purchase tickets here or at the Cal Poly Ticket Office.
Cal Poly Choirs’ Winter Concert: ‘America…America’
8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 27
Harman Hall (Bldg. 6)
This musical extravaganza will include music from an array of American traditions, including theater, spirituals and American classical. Cal Poly’s PolyPhonics and The University Singers will be accompanied by Susan Azaret Davies and Paul Woodring. The choirs are conducted by Music Professor Thomas Davies. Tickets are available for purchase here.
Career Services Events:
(click here for more information)
What To Do During a Gap Year Panel
11:10 a.m. - noon Tuesday, Feb. 23
Career Events Center (Bldg. 124), Room 117
Effective Cover Letter Writing
2:10-3 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23
Career Events Center (Bldg. 124), Room 117
Student Conservation Association Networking Session
4-6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23
Harriet and Charles Luckman Hall (Bldg. 186-C), Room 301
Got Career? Career Discovery and Exploration
5:30-7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23
Poly Canyon Village Conference Room (Bldg. 171A)
Siemens Corporation Networking Session
6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23
English (Bldg. 22), Room 311
Pizza and Personality (Career Interests)
1:10-2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24
University Union (Bldg. 65), Room 19
StrengthsQuest Event: Career Exploratorium
10 a.m. – noon, Thursday, Feb. 25
University Union (Bldg. 65), Room 207 (Right Wing of Chumash)