
Cal Poly CLA News

The latest online edition of CLA's Impact Magazine

Class Acts - Alison Cheung

Alison Cheung Cal PolyAlison Cheung / Communication Studies Department

Specialty Area: Rhetorical criticism, rhetorics of race

What is/has been your favorite class to teach?
In addition to teaching rhetoric, one class that I recently enjoyed teaching is Intercultural Communication from a critical approach. The class provides students a space to develop a vocabulary to engage with and think critically about topics such as race, power, and identity. I always appreciate student contributions to class discussions, which are my favorite part of the course. 

How/why did you choose to work at Cal Poly?
Without exaggeration, every person I spoke to about Cal Poly was excited to talk about San Luis Obispo and found their experience rewarding. I look forward to learning more about the community that helps make this happen!  

What are your research/scholarly pursuits?
I study the role that racial discourse plays in popular culture by investigating a variety of cultural artifacts such as film, television, and digital content. My research interests include rhetorical criticism, rhetorics of race, Asian American rhetoric, cultural production and critical media studies. 

What is one thing you wish your students knew about you?
I love getting to know students and much prefer chatting face-to-face than over email or on Zoom. Come by my office hours and say hi! 

What are your hobbies/extracurricular activities?
I am a potter! Ceramics has been a creative outlet of mine for quite a while, so you may see a few pieces lying around my office. 

Do you have a favorite getaway location?
Although I’m from Los Angeles, I consider it my favorite getaway because it’s still my favorite place to visit even after being away for more than a decade. 

What is a fact about you that few know?
I am an extroverted homebody, which is a combination few expect. 

What is your guilty pleasure? 
Playing Settlers of Catan online — the game goes much quicker!  


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