
Cal Poly CLA News

The latest online edition of CLA's Impact Magazine

CLA Faculty and Staff Awards Nominations


The College of Liberal Arts will distribute 12 awards to selected CLA faculty and staff this year. Awards for CLA tenured and tenure-track faculty will recognize exemplary contributions in the areas of research and creative activities, teaching, professional and institutional service, and innovation. The CLA Diversity Award exists for any CLA faculty member (tenured, tenure-track, or lecturer), and recognizes contributions toward furthering the college's commitment toward diversity and inclusion. 

A lecturer teaching award will celebrate the outstanding contributions of lecturers in CLA classrooms. Lecturers may also be considered for the innovation award. Staff members will continue to be honored for demonstrating excellence in their positions. Awards will be presented at the college division meeting during Fall Conference. Detailed information for each award, including eligibility requirements, selection criteria, and nomination guidelines, can be found below.


Nominations should be submitted electronically via the Forms links below by 5:00 PM on May 16th.

Please be sure to have your nomination letter signed by the department chair prior to uploading. One form for each nomination, Faculty and Staff Nominations are on separate Submittable links.

See below for more details.

Award Categories

Please fill out the online nomination forms and indicate which category you are nominating the faculty/staff member for. All nominations will remain confidential. 

Nominate a faculty member.

Nominate a staff member.

Teaching Awards

Richard K. Simon Award for Outstanding Career Achievement in Teaching ($500 stipend)
This memorial award is presented each year to a tenured faculty member who has sustained outstanding teaching over the course of their academic career at Cal Poly. 

Early Career Award for Achievement in Teaching ($500 stipend)
This award recognizes outstanding performance in teaching early in the candidate’s career. 

Scholarship (Research and Creative Activity) Awards

Richard K. Simon Award for Outstanding Career Achievement in Research, Scholarship or Creative Activity ($500 stipend)
This memorial award recognizes a faculty member who, over the course of their career, has generated a national or international reputation for contributions in research and/or artistic creativity, and who has influenced the research and/or creative activities of students. 

Early Career Award for Achievement in Scholarship ($500 stipend)
This award recognizes a faculty member who has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in research and/or artistic creativity unusually early in their professional career. 

Diversity Award

CLA Diversity Award ($500 stipend)
This award recognizes a CLA faculty member who has demonstrated outstanding effort toward furthering the college’s commitment to diversity and equity in teaching, research, and/or service. 

Lecturer Award

Outstanding Career Achievement in Teaching by a Lecturer Award ($500 stipend)
This award recognizes a lecturer who has sustained outstanding teaching over the course of their academic career at Cal Poly.

Service (Institutional and/or Professional) Awards

Richard K. Simon Award for Outstanding Career Achievement in Institutional/ Professional Service ($500 stipend)
This memorial award recognizes a CLA faculty member for a history of exemplary service to the institution and/or discipline through the course of their career.

Early Career Award for Achievement in Institutional/ Professional Service ($500 stipend)
This award recognizes a CLA faculty member for a history of exemplary institutional service early in their career.

Innovation Award

Douglas L. Epperson Innovation Award ($500 stipend)
This award recognizes a CLA faculty member who generates innovative scholarship and/or pedagogies that advance the college in creative and useful ways. Examples of innovation include creative and productive interdisciplinary collaborations in research/creative activity or teaching, development of new pedagogies in one’s discipline that are portable and scalable to similar disciplines, and creation of novel collaborations with public or private organizations and/or companies that enhance learning and/or scholarly opportunities for students and faculty and advance the college. 

Staff Awards

Outstanding Career Achievement Award ($500 bonus)
This award recognizes a staff member who has a record of sustained excellence throughout their employment at Cal Poly while demonstrating a commitment to teamwork and inspiring excellence in others. 

Excellence Award ($500 bonus)
This award recognizes a staff member whose performance in the current year and/or recent years has far exceeded expectations, advancing the department, college and/or university. Often, this will involve taking on special assignments of importance to the unit, possibly on an overload basis.

Early Career Achievement ($500 bonus)
This award recognizes a staff member whose early performance within the college has established itself as exceeding expectations by supporting/advancing departmental operations.

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